I know a lot of people will scoff at this question, but how do you use scroll's and protective icons etc......all serious answers will be gratefully appreciated.
please help a newbie
miss teri
put them to your other hand
miss teri
when i do that i get the red no go sign.....i am a ranger using a bow if this helps
Bow is two-handed, so you can't use them with a bow.
Those items are simply offhand items that add stats, like shields.
miss teri
right i have them in my hand can i and if so how do i cast them on myself.....please
those are automatic when you wear them and have requirements if any
You do not cast them or use them. You just wear it, and only with a 1 hand weapon. As I said they are just shields with energy instead of armor.
Then you have to decide..... armor of shield, or the +energy?
Death By Hesitation
Simple...i'm sure som1's already answered but its b/c kik ass rangeres like u and me use 2 handed weapons