This is not an auction. I hate dealing with auctions. =p
Please post your intention to purchase here so I can keep track of whether an item is reserved or not. It is your responsibility to contact me ingame to purchase the item - it is difficult for me to keep track of 10 people at once who purchase my item. Will update this post as items get purchased, but do check the posts above yours first. My IGN is in my profile on left. Happy purchasing.
[sold] yakslapper : 20,000
[sold] yakslapper : 20,000
unidentified superior warrior rune : 15,000
unidentified gold flamberge max damage req 8 : 10,000
+27hp fortitude upgrade for hammer : 5,000
The Following are Max Armour Shields
round shield : +19hp in stance : req 8 tac = 1,500
reinforced buckler : +14hp in stance : +5 armour vs cold : req 9 tac = 2,500
tall shield : +26hp in stance : req 11 tac = 1,500
Following Items for 1,000 each
zealous sword hilt
zealous sword hilt
zealous bow string
zealous bow string
fire bow string
ice bow string
poisoner bow string
sundering bowstring 8%
sundering bowstring 7%
Selling 2 Yakslappers and other various random cheaps :
I would like to purchase the yakslapper for my 2nd account. My IGN will be Okalani Malu. Thank you.
Actually, I hate to say, but someone contacted me in game about a yakslapper and sold it to me for cheaper.