What should I do with this?
Viscount Bear
Just got this armour from a steel chest at Travellers vale.
Used my ID kit on it. Should I sell it, or salvage it (expert or norm). I have no idea of what's a "rare" item atm
Used my ID kit on it. Should I sell it, or salvage it (expert or norm). I have no idea of what's a "rare" item atm
Gustav Gloomp
sell to merchant.
u also helped me solve a mystery that has haunted me for a long time.
i was farming chests in grenths today and got a purple unid dwarven armor.
i id it and it becam a minor rune of divine. wat i noticed with ur rune and mine was that the merchant value was different.
yours is 38 gold to merchant while mine was 246 gold :S
u also helped me solve a mystery that has haunted me for a long time.
i was farming chests in grenths today and got a purple unid dwarven armor.
i id it and it becam a minor rune of divine. wat i noticed with ur rune and mine was that the merchant value was different.
yours is 38 gold to merchant while mine was 246 gold :S
his is also un-salvaged from the armour, reducing its value
Gustav Gloomp
mine was also unsalvaged
Viscount Bear
Thanks both, sold to merc.
Commander Ryker
Next time, use the superior salvage kit on it first, then ID it.
sure yours wasnt superior then? otherwise it would of been worth the same.
Viscount Bear
I hadn't salvaged this at all, just ID'd it.
Im totally broke now after getting gladiator armour, so now super salvage kit for me just yet
Im totally broke now after getting gladiator armour, so now super salvage kit for me just yet
Gustav Gloomp
nah mine was minor.
does a superior kit differ from a expert kit in wat becomes salvaged/identified?
does a superior kit differ from a expert kit in wat becomes salvaged/identified?
Originally Posted by Gustav Gloomp
nah mine was minor.
does a superior kit differ from a expert kit in wat becomes salvaged/identified? |
The best thing I found to do is...
Salvage the Rune from the armor. Using an expert salvage kit. (or suprior salvage kit if you want to waste money on it (they are the same except for number of uses,and cost))
By looking at the rune after it's salvaged you can guess as to what type minor, major, ot suprior by it's look.
Either ID it now and sell to Rune Trader, or try and sell it as an Un-ID rune to another player.
I never sell runes to the merchant, always a rune trader. Rare but sometimes you will get more from the Rune Trader.
Salvage the Rune from the armor. Using an expert salvage kit. (or suprior salvage kit if you want to waste money on it (they are the same except for number of uses,and cost))
By looking at the rune after it's salvaged you can guess as to what type minor, major, ot suprior by it's look.
Either ID it now and sell to Rune Trader, or try and sell it as an Un-ID rune to another player.
I never sell runes to the merchant, always a rune trader. Rare but sometimes you will get more from the Rune Trader.
Viscount Bear
Damn, sold to merc lol
Why not just check the prices from both the rune trader and the merchant and sell to whoever offers more?
At LA, all the traders are in the same area, as is Droknar's Forge.
And don't salvage the rune first, check the trader price for the whole armour with the rune still in it, and check the rune trader's selling price for just the rune. You can roughly tell the price the rune trader will buy it for.
At LA, all the traders are in the same area, as is Droknar's Forge.
And don't salvage the rune first, check the trader price for the whole armour with the rune still in it, and check the rune trader's selling price for just the rune. You can roughly tell the price the rune trader will buy it for.
In SF, routinely I'll find and ID rune armors before salvaging them. The reason I do this is because many times the minor/major rune in the armor are worth more unsalvaged (200-300g) than salvaged (25g).
This difference is less noticable in other areas of Tyria. Still, if you watch the difference in prices, you can maximize your cash flow.
This difference is less noticable in other areas of Tyria. Still, if you watch the difference in prices, you can maximize your cash flow.
Commander Ryker
Originally Posted by Ondo
I never sell runes to the merchant, always a rune trader. Rare but sometimes you will get more from the Rune Trader.
There are very few runes that sell above min value now. Monk sups, major and sup vigor, major and sup. vigor. Probably minor and sup of the following: fire, energy storage, swords, axe - maybe marksmanship. A couple others could be worth something too, but the rule is that a rune is worth more inside the armor then its worth outisde of it. Now that faction is fast(er), unIDed runes may not be as easy to sell - any opinions on this? Selling a unIDed rune, even a minor one for less then 1k is not worth it unless you have a regular buyer.
The suggestions about salvaging a purple/gold armor before IDing it are good only for a few situations. The up side is that if you happen to get one of the popular runes and you've got an unIDed version of it (I'm lookin' at you, Superior Vigor) people will pay god aweful amounts for it while it's still unIDed. Don't get me wrong, you'd get a good price even with it already IDed, but being that an unIDed one will unlock it for whoever IDs it... it's probably one of the best items you could hope to try selling to another player. However, the chances of this happening are so minute that cost-wise, you really are better off IDing and then just selling the whole armor to the merchant. Many, many runes will sell for 25 gold tops. That's barely enough to cover the cost of using your salvage kit.
With that said, I used to salvaged stuff before IDing all the time when I and a guildmate of mine were on an unlocking binge. We'd salvage it first and then whichever of us was more likely to get a unique unlock from it is who we'd give it to for the ID. It was very efficient, and between the two of us we managed to unlock most of our runes in a week or so. Now that we both only have a handful of superiors left to unlock, it's not worth it. If you're in it for the money, always ID first. ...unless, of course, you like the lottery. Then waste all your money salvaging first and hoping for the big pay off. Who knows, it might come. I'm just not into that sort of thing myself.
With that said, I used to salvaged stuff before IDing all the time when I and a guildmate of mine were on an unlocking binge. We'd salvage it first and then whichever of us was more likely to get a unique unlock from it is who we'd give it to for the ID. It was very efficient, and between the two of us we managed to unlock most of our runes in a week or so. Now that we both only have a handful of superiors left to unlock, it's not worth it. If you're in it for the money, always ID first. ...unless, of course, you like the lottery. Then waste all your money salvaging first and hoping for the big pay off. Who knows, it might come. I'm just not into that sort of thing myself.