Hi all
Recently I have been getting a lot into PvP (its quite addicting ).
Yesterday I did better than I had ever done and managed to get 20 consecutive wins with the group I was with. Unfortunately, from about the 18th or so match, I got to precisely 10,000 points and from then on, didn't gain any more, does anyone know why?
Secondly, where could I find the Superior Vigor and Absorbtion runes? Because whenever I go to Balthazar, I can't see them
Thanks in advance
PvP Balthazar Points
[FnG] Lazz
Its capped at 10,000 faction (on person)
To get superiors, you must unlock the stuff before them.
Minor then Major then Superior
You can unlock a superior after unlocking major and minor of the same type
To get superiors, you must unlock the stuff before them.
Minor then Major then Superior
You can unlock a superior after unlocking major and minor of the same type
the limit for ammount of faction at one point is 10000. so you gotta use it up and then you can get more
as for the runes, you have to unlock them in order: minor->major->superior
as for the runes, you have to unlock them in order: minor->major->superior
Yup! Go spend faction. I have spent 105,000 of the 106,000 I have earned. (I already know I play too much. Don't remind me.)
There is a minor inaccuracy of the reports that you must unlock runes in the order of minor -> major -> superior. With all equipment upgrades, runes, weapon upgrades, etc. You only need to unlock a lesser version before you can get the best version. Now if you haven't unlocked a single vigor rune, then yes you need to go minor -> major -> superior, however, if through PVE you've already unlocked a major, you can skip unlocking the minor and go straight to the superior. The same goes for weapon upgrades. If you haven't unlocked a vamp upgrade, then you must get the 1/1 first, but if you've managed to unlock a 2/1, etc then you can jump straight to the best for the item you're trying to unlock.
[FnG] Lazz
Jeesh you guys reply fast
Thanks for the help anyway!
Thanks for the help anyway!