Need Help
I need help on how to get to yaks bend. I cant find anyone to quest with, and the henchmen always die. Im lvl 10 W/Mo I have ascolon armor and a max damage hammer. I have even tryed to run there with no luck. Im stuck plz help me.
Saner the Stoner
Where are you now ?
Here's a map of the entire GW world. Might want to check that out and see if you can figure out where you are in the world. You have to, definitely, get through the Nolani Academy quest (it's one of the main plot advancement ones). Have you gotten there yet?
Here's a map of the entire GW world. Might want to check that out and see if you can figure out where you are in the world. You have to, definitely, get through the Nolani Academy quest (it's one of the main plot advancement ones). Have you gotten there yet?
Originally Posted by Aniewiel
Here's a map of the entire GW world. Might want to check that out and see if you can figure out where you are in the world. You have to, definitely, get through the Nolani Academy quest (it's one of the main plot advancement ones). Have you gotten there yet? |
I just did it last night. Thank you for all the help. But one more question will anyof you help me on mission, in yaks bend or that place near it.
You know that you can either walk (run) to Yaks or you can do the Nolani mission, and you will end up in Yak's after the mission. To get to Yak's without doing the mission is not impossible at level 10 plus henchies, but may be difficult unless you know how to play very tactically. Here I mean going forward slowly and pulling (luring) small groups of monsters at a time. Even so, it will be difficult.
I guess you got there already, but you should get there by doing the mission rather than walking/running.
Finding good people to do quests and missions with is always a tricky thing, but when you find a good group, its really nice. Try to form your own group, and take some henchhies instead of all people. If the group stinks, then you have several options. Just leaving (mapping back to Yak's) without saying anything pegs you as a leaver, but if the group really is bad, just say why you are leaving, and leave. Maybe the good ones in the party will go back with you. Another option is to stick it out as best you can; if the quest or mission fails because the group is not really together, reform the group with only the team players and try again.
Playing with only henchies is an option, but is a bit more difficult as Warrior, as the more delicate henchies tend to stick close to you (and therefore to the battle).
I find Yak's both good and bad for playing with people. Some of the quests are long enough to make it worthwhile trying to find a good group, but some are just too short. It doesn't pay to spend a lot of effort to find a good group if the quest only takes a short time to do. Also, a lot of people at Yak's are just interested in getting run to Borlis and beyond, and these kind of people you don't want to party with (unless your intention also is just to get run through the game).
You are a Warrior Monk, so take resurrection with you if you play with all henchmen. When you see you made a mistake and activated too many enemies, and your henchmen are about to all die, run away if you can. You can always resurrect the henchmen after the enemy backs off. Or die also and accept the death penalty, get resurrected, and continue with the quest.
I guess you got there already, but you should get there by doing the mission rather than walking/running.
Finding good people to do quests and missions with is always a tricky thing, but when you find a good group, its really nice. Try to form your own group, and take some henchhies instead of all people. If the group stinks, then you have several options. Just leaving (mapping back to Yak's) without saying anything pegs you as a leaver, but if the group really is bad, just say why you are leaving, and leave. Maybe the good ones in the party will go back with you. Another option is to stick it out as best you can; if the quest or mission fails because the group is not really together, reform the group with only the team players and try again.
Playing with only henchies is an option, but is a bit more difficult as Warrior, as the more delicate henchies tend to stick close to you (and therefore to the battle).
I find Yak's both good and bad for playing with people. Some of the quests are long enough to make it worthwhile trying to find a good group, but some are just too short. It doesn't pay to spend a lot of effort to find a good group if the quest only takes a short time to do. Also, a lot of people at Yak's are just interested in getting run to Borlis and beyond, and these kind of people you don't want to party with (unless your intention also is just to get run through the game).
You are a Warrior Monk, so take resurrection with you if you play with all henchmen. When you see you made a mistake and activated too many enemies, and your henchmen are about to all die, run away if you can. You can always resurrect the henchmen after the enemy backs off. Or die also and accept the death penalty, get resurrected, and continue with the quest.
Count Feanor
Look me up if you ever need help and I'm online. My in game name is Alora Chimaera. Also look for Melian Tintalle.
Actually, on a note, I should say that I play often with only henchmen, and more often than I would like to admit, my character gets killed in battle before all the henchmen do. And very very often it is the case that my henchmen are able to finish the battle through without me, and then resurrect me afterwards.
So the point is, henchmen are not bad, and indeed actually do a good job as a substitute for humans in a party. But here it should be noted that you have to play tactically and intelligently. When the above has happened, its because I made a slight mistake and wasn't able so rescue myself before my HP disappeared. On the other hand, if the above happens because I take on too many enemies at a time, the henchmen will not survive, and its restart at the nearest resurrection point.
So the point is, henchmen are not bad, and indeed actually do a good job as a substitute for humans in a party. But here it should be noted that you have to play tactically and intelligently. When the above has happened, its because I made a slight mistake and wasn't able so rescue myself before my HP disappeared. On the other hand, if the above happens because I take on too many enemies at a time, the henchmen will not survive, and its restart at the nearest resurrection point.
Hmm. I like to use henchmen. But that is a bad part henchmen do die way to easly
I too like to use the henchmen...but they aren't the brightest crayons in the box. It's just easier for me to use them instead of waiting around on a group since I usually have just a couple of hours of play on the days I work.
I did, however, make it to Yaks Bend with my henchmen in tow at lvl 10. I'm a R/Me. If you ever need help just look up Twilight Moonflower.
I did, however, make it to Yaks Bend with my henchmen in tow at lvl 10. I'm a R/Me. If you ever need help just look up Twilight Moonflower.