Raw Materials



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Soviet Propaganda [SovP]


How good is the market for raw materials? I've heard it was fairly decent. If it isn't then should I just turn all my raw materials into rare materials? or just sell them to the trader? or other players?

If the market is good then can someone send me a PM with a good place to farm for raw materials. Unless you want to post it here.




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

New York


Check the materials trader and see what things are selling for, then sell for lower. I've never turned any of my materials into rare materials, I just use an expert salvage kit and see what I get off the armor. To me, most rare materials are pointless to craft since you can buy them from the rare materials trader for less than the crafting cost most of the time.

Best places to sell crafting items are Ascalon and Drok's, for the obvious reasons (lazy people or just don't have enough items). Also Grotto and the other 15k armor place.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

Warrior Nation [WN]


About buying from trader being cheaper... not true when speaking of Deldrimor Steel.

As to being worth selling raw materials...
Yes, it's worth to keep it for selling.
For example, the 15k Platemail Warrior armor requires the following materials (if you craft your Deldrimor Steel Ingots):

150*2+100*2+50*2*3=800 Iron Ingots
150+100+50*3=400 Wood Planks
75+50+25*3=200 Glittering Dust

So keep em, and sell em.
6g for dust, 10g for iron and wood.

(OMG, that's 8000+4000+1200=13200 Gold just for materials for 15k Plate! And with my secwet bye mix (1k per pop) that's... 15000*5+1000*5+13200=93200 Gold! Thank god I already have my perfect weapons, 15k sets on all my chars (including the warrior I'm buying 15k plate on:P) and unlocked 75% of the skills:P Oh, forgot about runes... Then it will add up to ~100000 Gold for my full 15k plate:P)
