Missing Dots on Maps?
After the first update today, I lost the red dots that track your progress on the map when out adventuring. Did this happen to anyone else?
Ya, happened to me too. I want them back.

Ah, so that's what it was. I was wondering where they had gone.
I also want them back.
I also want them back.
Ahhhh...that's what's going on. The dots are a necessity for me. Rats.
I want my dots back too, it sucks without them, I can't tell where I've already been and where I need to go. Please arena net, give us our mapdots back!
I also miss them. Come home little dots!

Jade Alexander
I've started leaving bread crumbs behind me, but when I turned to head back the Moa birds were eating them! Damn feathered beasts...!

Damn those Moa birds! I knew someone was eating my gummy worms I was leaving behind! ::sigh:: Maybe next time I'll just leave rocks...
Glad to know that it's not just me who's having this issue.
Glad to know that it's not just me who's having this issue.