Hi guys,
I love to play Rangers with secondary Elemtalist or Mesmer. My favorite Weapon is of course the bow. But I have to switch continuously over to Staff to get +15 Energy to cast E or Me spells. Is there a bow or a sword that gives energy? I was told there is a bow and a sword that gives +5 Energy.
Is this true and where I can get/buy it?
Bow that gives +5 Energy?
I had got 2 bows with +5 energy. One's in pre-searing and got from a quest(hunter horn quest). Another one is a collector bow (the collector outside Sardelac Sanitarium). Both are low damage so not much of a use in later part of the game.
Thanx mate. I am getting those 2 bows or you may sell those to me. It is not the damage that is important. With +5 Energy I can play R/Me and cast some irritating Mesmer spell.
You probably figured it out. R/Me is the perfect interrupter and shutdowner combination. I won several times in HoH with this build and with +5 more energy .....
You probably figured it out. R/Me is the perfect interrupter and shutdowner combination. I won several times in HoH with this build and with +5 more energy .....
One and Two
just get a staff
he wants to interupt... with a bow... so using a staff is out of the question
Bingley Joe
sakura, do you already have Druid's armour on your Ranger?
blane - sorry to say this, but they changed the bow that you get outside sardalec Sanitorium. It no longer gives you +5 energy.
It used to be a Shocking Diessa Flatbow which did 9-13 lightening damage with +5 energy & was 15>50 iirc. However now it's a Shocking Diessa Flatbow which does 11-18 lightening damage, 15>50 & 10/10 sundering. No energy bonus on it anymore.
And the bow you got from the Hunter's Horn quest has changed as well - it's now a Longbow of Fortitude.. x-x damage, 15>50 & +15? Health.
It used to be a Shocking Diessa Flatbow which did 9-13 lightening damage with +5 energy & was 15>50 iirc. However now it's a Shocking Diessa Flatbow which does 11-18 lightening damage, 15>50 & 10/10 sundering. No energy bonus on it anymore.
And the bow you got from the Hunter's Horn quest has changed as well - it's now a Longbow of Fortitude.. x-x damage, 15>50 & +15? Health.