Massive Sale: 32 Greens + Lots of Other Golds etc.
This is the combined result of 6 people's foray's into Sorrow's Furnace, FoW and 1 UW run over the last two weeks - Minus a few items we sold in-game or what we kept for ourselves to use.
All items are FIXED price. If you feel price(s) are too high - please go Here to voice your concern!
Please post which item you would like (some items are numbered) clearly and please leave your in-game name and what time-range is best for you (Including time zone) to meet ingame!
*** First Post - First Serve! ***
Green Items:
Go Here for Green item stats.
Malion's Malign Hammer - 15k
Malinon's Skull Crusher - 15k
Bludgeoner - 10k
Thorgall's Stone Smasher - 7k (2 in stock)
Tarnok's Recurve Bow - 10k (SOLD!)
Thornbeard's Horned Bow - 5k (1 in stock) (2 sold)
Drago's Vampiric Flatbow - 80k (3 in stock)
Stinger - 15k (1 in stock) (1 Sold)
Gargash's Recurve Bow - 10k SOLD!
Graygore's Short Bow - 50k SOLD!
Wands/Rods etc.:
Rago's Flame Wand - 55k - SOLD
Brimstone Wand - 15k
Khorvalds Cane - 10k SOLD!
Worth's Holy Rod - 7k
Villnar's Glove - 10k SOLD!
Vokur's Chakram - 20k SOLD!
The Rockmolder- 5k (1 in stock) (1 Sold)
Vokur's Staff - 10k (3 in stock)
Brohn's Staff - 100k (SOLD!)
Gorrel's Staff - 25k
Gardock's Staff - 10k SOLD!
Runar's Brimestone Staff - 25k SOLD!
Villnar's Staff - 10k SOLD!
Bulk Materials:
9 Gold Per Unit Rounded
2500 Iron 22k SOLD!1250 Tanned Hides 11k
1500 Bolts of Cloth 13k
2 Unidentified Necro Runes - 5k for both. (SOLD!)
Note: All Items are Gold unless labelled otherwise.
Exceptional / Near Perfect Items:
1: Axe Grip of Fortitude +30 - 65k SOLD!
2: Chaos Axe of Shelter - 50k SOLD!
6-28, Req.13, +14% Damage While Health is Above 50%
3: Vampiric Falchion of Swordsmanship - 45k
15-22 Req.10, Damage +15% While Enchanted, Life Stealing 3/1, +1 swordsmanship 15%
4: Fiery Dragon Sword of Fortitude - 25k
15-22, Req.8 Damage +14% While Health is Above 50%, +25 Health
5: Fiery Dragon Sword of Shelter - 25k
15-22, Req.8, Damage +14% Always -5 energy, +5 armor vs Physical
6: Vampiric Shadow Bow of Enchanting - 20k SOLD!
15-28, Req.9, Damage +14% While Enchanted, Life Stealing 4/1, Enchantments last 15% Longer
7: Insightful Water Staff of Defense - 25k
11-22, req.10 water, +10 energy, Improves skill recharge 10%, Improves Casting Speed 9%, +5 armor, +5 energy
***** Read Me! *****: Items #8 through 24 are 5k each!
8: Flamberge of Enchanting
15-22 Req.8, +13>50, 18% Enchant SOLD!
9: Vampiric Spiked Axe of Shelter
6-28, Req.13, +14% Always, -5 energy, Life Stealing 2/1, +6 Armor Vs Physical.
10: Barbed Great Axe of Defense SOLD!
6-28, Req.12, +13>50, +5 armor, Lengthens Bleeding Duration
11: Sundering Recurve Bow of Shelter
15-28, Req.13, +14^50, Armor Penetration 10/8, +6 armor vs Physical.
12: Shadow Shield (blue)
Armor:16, Req.7 Str, +4 armor vs Piercing Attacks
13: Skeleton Shield
Armor: 16, Req.13 Tactics, +25 Health in Stance, Armor +7 vs Piercing Attacks
14: Shadow Shield SOLD - Ingame for 20k
Armor 16, Req.12 Str, +27 Health Always.
15: Round Shield
Armor:16, Req.9 Tactics, +7 Armor VS Undead.
16: Skull Shield (purple)
Armor 16, Req.10 tactics, +5 armor vs Lightning, +19 Health in Stance.
Caster Gear:
17: Air Wand
11-22, req.9 air, Energy +14 / Energy Regen -1.
18: Fire Wand
10-20, req.12, +4 energy ^ 50
19: Earth Wand
11-22, req.12, +3 Energy ^ 50
20: Storm Artifact
+12 Energy, Req.11 Air, +26 health always
21: Divine Symbol:
+12 Energy, req.11 divine, +28 Health always, +7 armor vs trolls
22: Hale Inscribed Staff of Trollslaying
11-22, Req 12 Domination, +10 energy, Improve Casting Speeding (Chance 10%), +29 Health, +20% DMG vs trolls.
23: Hale Inscribed Staff of Divine Favor SOLD!
11-22, req.8 Domination, +10 energy, Improves Skill Recharge using Domination Magic 18% chance, Improves Casting Speed 8%, +25 Health, +1 Divine Favor 20% chance.
24: Defensive Shadow Staff
11-22, Req.9 Air, Improves Skill Recharge Using Air Magic 17%, Quick Recovery From Dazed, +5 Armor.
*********** New Items!**************
25: Ebon Crystalline Sword (Purple) - Price: Taking Offers. SOLD!
15-22, Req.9, Damage +13% While Health is Below 50%
26: Shocking Eternal Bow (Purple) - Price: Taking Offers.
15-28, Req.13, Damage +11% while health is below 50%
27: Shocking Chaos Axe of Enchanting - Starting Price: 100k
6-28, Req.11, Damage +15% While in Stance, Enchantments Last 20% Longer.
28: Sundering Chaos Axe of Axe Mastery: Price: Taking Offers
6-28, Req.13, Damage +20% While Hexed, Armor Penetration 10/8, +1 Axe Mastery 16% Chance.
29: Shocking Shadow Bow of Shelter: Price: Taking Offers
15-28, Req.10, Damage +18% While Health is Below 50%, +6 armor vs Physical attacks.
30: Sundering Shadow Bow of Marksmenship: Price: Taking Offers
15-28, Req.9, Damage +19% While Hexed, Armor Penetration 10/8, Marksmanship +15%
31: Water Wand: Price:5k
11-22, Req.13 Water, +4 Energy while health is above 50%.
32: Poisoners Falchion of Defense: Price 5k
15-22, Req.10, Damage +13% While Enchanted, Armor +5, Lengthens Poison Duration.
33: Water Wand: Price:5k
11-22, Req.11 Water, +5 energy while hexed.
34: Accursed Staff of Enchanting: Price:5k
11-22, Req.13 Curses, +10 energy, Improves Casting Speed 9% Chance, Enchantments last 19% longer.
35: Smiting Rod: Price 5k
11-22, Req.10 Smite, +5 energy while health is below 50%.
36: Frost Artifact: Price 5k
+12 energy, Req.13 Water, +14 Energy, -1 Energy Regen, +5 armor while attacking.
All items are FIXED price. If you feel price(s) are too high - please go Here to voice your concern!
Please post which item you would like (some items are numbered) clearly and please leave your in-game name and what time-range is best for you (Including time zone) to meet ingame!
*** First Post - First Serve! ***
Green Items:
Go Here for Green item stats.
Malion's Malign Hammer - 15k
Malinon's Skull Crusher - 15k
Bludgeoner - 10k
Thorgall's Stone Smasher - 7k (2 in stock)
Tarnok's Recurve Bow - 10k (SOLD!)
Thornbeard's Horned Bow - 5k (1 in stock) (2 sold)
Drago's Vampiric Flatbow - 80k (3 in stock)
Stinger - 15k (1 in stock) (1 Sold)
Gargash's Recurve Bow - 10k SOLD!
Graygore's Short Bow - 50k SOLD!
Wands/Rods etc.:
Rago's Flame Wand - 55k - SOLD
Brimstone Wand - 15k
Khorvalds Cane - 10k SOLD!
Worth's Holy Rod - 7k
Villnar's Glove - 10k SOLD!
Vokur's Chakram - 20k SOLD!
The Rockmolder- 5k (1 in stock) (1 Sold)
Vokur's Staff - 10k (3 in stock)
Brohn's Staff - 100k (SOLD!)
Gorrel's Staff - 25k
Gardock's Staff - 10k SOLD!
Runar's Brimestone Staff - 25k SOLD!
Villnar's Staff - 10k SOLD!
Bulk Materials:
9 Gold Per Unit Rounded
2500 Iron 22k SOLD!1250 Tanned Hides 11k
1500 Bolts of Cloth 13k
2 Unidentified Necro Runes - 5k for both. (SOLD!)
Note: All Items are Gold unless labelled otherwise.
Exceptional / Near Perfect Items:
1: Axe Grip of Fortitude +30 - 65k SOLD!
2: Chaos Axe of Shelter - 50k SOLD!
6-28, Req.13, +14% Damage While Health is Above 50%
3: Vampiric Falchion of Swordsmanship - 45k
15-22 Req.10, Damage +15% While Enchanted, Life Stealing 3/1, +1 swordsmanship 15%
4: Fiery Dragon Sword of Fortitude - 25k
15-22, Req.8 Damage +14% While Health is Above 50%, +25 Health
5: Fiery Dragon Sword of Shelter - 25k
15-22, Req.8, Damage +14% Always -5 energy, +5 armor vs Physical
6: Vampiric Shadow Bow of Enchanting - 20k SOLD!
15-28, Req.9, Damage +14% While Enchanted, Life Stealing 4/1, Enchantments last 15% Longer
7: Insightful Water Staff of Defense - 25k
11-22, req.10 water, +10 energy, Improves skill recharge 10%, Improves Casting Speed 9%, +5 armor, +5 energy
***** Read Me! *****: Items #8 through 24 are 5k each!
8: Flamberge of Enchanting
15-22 Req.8, +13>50, 18% Enchant SOLD!
9: Vampiric Spiked Axe of Shelter
6-28, Req.13, +14% Always, -5 energy, Life Stealing 2/1, +6 Armor Vs Physical.
10: Barbed Great Axe of Defense SOLD!
6-28, Req.12, +13>50, +5 armor, Lengthens Bleeding Duration
11: Sundering Recurve Bow of Shelter
15-28, Req.13, +14^50, Armor Penetration 10/8, +6 armor vs Physical.
12: Shadow Shield (blue)
Armor:16, Req.7 Str, +4 armor vs Piercing Attacks
13: Skeleton Shield
Armor: 16, Req.13 Tactics, +25 Health in Stance, Armor +7 vs Piercing Attacks
14: Shadow Shield SOLD - Ingame for 20k
Armor 16, Req.12 Str, +27 Health Always.
15: Round Shield
Armor:16, Req.9 Tactics, +7 Armor VS Undead.
16: Skull Shield (purple)
Armor 16, Req.10 tactics, +5 armor vs Lightning, +19 Health in Stance.
Caster Gear:
17: Air Wand
11-22, req.9 air, Energy +14 / Energy Regen -1.
18: Fire Wand
10-20, req.12, +4 energy ^ 50
19: Earth Wand
11-22, req.12, +3 Energy ^ 50
20: Storm Artifact
+12 Energy, Req.11 Air, +26 health always
21: Divine Symbol:
+12 Energy, req.11 divine, +28 Health always, +7 armor vs trolls
22: Hale Inscribed Staff of Trollslaying
11-22, Req 12 Domination, +10 energy, Improve Casting Speeding (Chance 10%), +29 Health, +20% DMG vs trolls.
23: Hale Inscribed Staff of Divine Favor SOLD!
11-22, req.8 Domination, +10 energy, Improves Skill Recharge using Domination Magic 18% chance, Improves Casting Speed 8%, +25 Health, +1 Divine Favor 20% chance.
24: Defensive Shadow Staff
11-22, Req.9 Air, Improves Skill Recharge Using Air Magic 17%, Quick Recovery From Dazed, +5 Armor.
*********** New Items!**************
25: Ebon Crystalline Sword (Purple) - Price: Taking Offers. SOLD!
15-22, Req.9, Damage +13% While Health is Below 50%
26: Shocking Eternal Bow (Purple) - Price: Taking Offers.
15-28, Req.13, Damage +11% while health is below 50%
27: Shocking Chaos Axe of Enchanting - Starting Price: 100k
6-28, Req.11, Damage +15% While in Stance, Enchantments Last 20% Longer.
28: Sundering Chaos Axe of Axe Mastery: Price: Taking Offers
6-28, Req.13, Damage +20% While Hexed, Armor Penetration 10/8, +1 Axe Mastery 16% Chance.
29: Shocking Shadow Bow of Shelter: Price: Taking Offers
15-28, Req.10, Damage +18% While Health is Below 50%, +6 armor vs Physical attacks.
30: Sundering Shadow Bow of Marksmenship: Price: Taking Offers
15-28, Req.9, Damage +19% While Hexed, Armor Penetration 10/8, Marksmanship +15%
31: Water Wand: Price:5k
11-22, Req.13 Water, +4 Energy while health is above 50%.
32: Poisoners Falchion of Defense: Price 5k
15-22, Req.10, Damage +13% While Enchanted, Armor +5, Lengthens Poison Duration.
33: Water Wand: Price:5k
11-22, Req.11 Water, +5 energy while hexed.
34: Accursed Staff of Enchanting: Price:5k
11-22, Req.13 Curses, +10 energy, Improves Casting Speed 9% Chance, Enchantments last 19% longer.
35: Smiting Rod: Price 5k
11-22, Req.10 Smite, +5 energy while health is below 50%.
36: Frost Artifact: Price 5k
+12 energy, Req.13 Water, +14 Energy, -1 Energy Regen, +5 armor while attacking.
how much for number 14.ill get that from you.
I'd Like to buy Worth's Holy Rod from you.
IGN: Divine Eulogy
Time to Be Reached: Any time past 6:00 PM Eastern Time, Send me a Message when you need me. I won't be available till Past 8 most of this week. Thank you.
IGN: Divine Eulogy
Time to Be Reached: Any time past 6:00 PM Eastern Time, Send me a Message when you need me. I won't be available till Past 8 most of this week. Thank you.
25k for brimestone staff
ign Lady Guns
ign Lady Guns
I will buy the Gardock's Staff for 10K
Ign "evil buddha"
Ign "evil buddha"
...someone beat me to it.
...someone beat me to it.
I'll buy #8, 5k.
IGN: Ja Of Niet, or Nee Of Wel
IGN: Ja Of Niet, or Nee Of Wel
Dragon Worm
1 on 10 i think
I'll take Vokur's Chakram @ 20k
2: Chaos Axe of Shelter - 50k
6-28, Req.13, +14% Damage While Health is Above 50%
noxxy chieco
mimma c
aragorn chieco
anytime i'm on now
6-28, Req.13, +14% Damage While Health is Above 50%
noxxy chieco
mimma c
aragorn chieco
anytime i'm on now
ill take gargash's recurve bow - 10k
ign Leon Silvers
ign Leon Silvers
ahh nvm, thought that was 15>50, i retract my offer sorry
I'll take Villnar's Staff - 10k. My IGN is Donavan Baine.
6k on numero 8
I'll take Korvald's Cane, 1 Rockmolder, and both unid'd Sup Necro runes.
IGN - Kriegar Pwnsyou
IGN - Kriegar Pwnsyou
Apocalyptic Touch
15k on brimstone wand
IGN Apocalyptic Skies
IGN Apocalyptic Skies
Ill take #23 domination staff for 5k
IGN Alexander Crowley
IGN Alexander Crowley
12 new items added including a crystalline sword, gold chaos axes, gold shadow bows, an eternal bow among other nice items. edited in to the end of original post!
Happy Shopping!
Happy Shopping!
8k for #25
IGN: Angelus Paranoxt
any day around 7pm EDT GMT -4
IGN: Angelus Paranoxt
any day around 7pm EDT GMT -4
Alpha Moth
item buyout withdraw, just got one cheaper, and did't c the while enchanted
Spadas Datum
Taking Tarnok, Thornbeard, gargash bow
i'll takethe vamp shadow bow of enchanting for 20k
<-- IGN
<-- IGN
Final Bump!
Sale ends today (Wensday) - new sale going up on thursday.
I'm amazed noone bid on the gold chaos axes! 15% in stance and 20% while hexed!
Sale ends today (Wensday) - new sale going up on thursday.
I'm amazed noone bid on the gold chaos axes! 15% in stance and 20% while hexed!
i'll take the other thornbeard's bow if its still going...
IGN nightspawn arnisse
IGN nightspawn arnisse
Some good prices. I think Drago's vampiric bow is high, tho. I haven't been able to get half that for mine. Looking forward to your next post since I think the first Chaos Axe and some of the greens that sold were a bargain.
Wrath Of Dragons
4k on number 34
#25: 15k
ign: ealer hay
ign: ealer hay
Interested in #10 - IGN: Feathorn Sharpblade or Osirod the Crusader(bro's account)
Incubus Nin
I'll buy the #15 shield for 5k
IGN Incubus Nin
IGN Incubus Nin
I'll take the Brimstone Staff and Villnar's Glove
IGN Dagoth Nefzen
IGN Dagoth Nefzen
I will buy iron , evan all 2500 for 22k if u still have that amount.
I'll take #11 the sundering bow
IGN Sir Dorian Hawkmoon best time, any day after 5 pm new york time
IGN Sir Dorian Hawkmoon best time, any day after 5 pm new york time
5k on #36 b/o
IGN: J Hawk M C
IGN: J Hawk M C
9k on 25
ill buy the Malinon's Skull Crusher for buyout, pm me or ign: andy of england
marking for later
free bump
Rota ulave
free bump
Rota ulave
ill take the insightful water staff of def. 25k
IGN earnest arryn
IGN earnest arryn
Worth's Holy Rod - 7k
i'll take it.
ign: steven steve
i'll take it.
ign: steven steve