Coool Bow for Sale

diet dragon

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005



EDITED by Shanksie: reason BUMPING. Please read the forum guidelines regarding bumping which can be found here >Trade forum Guidelines<. You can always use the edit function to alter your first post. You can only post once in your own thread in any 24 hour period. These rules ensure everyone has a fair chance at having a thread on the first few pages. Because your thread has been closed for a violation of guidelines you must wait 24 hours (from the time the thread was CLOSED) before you can create a new thread.

DD - please read the pm i sent you


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Guitarring Adventurers Society


Hate to bust your bubble, Diet Dragon, but since the update, rares are not as rare as you think. As a bow in itself, it's OK, but even pre-update, it wouldn't be worth 125k+....

.....and since the update, especially with the increased amount of golds and green weapons about, you'd be lucky to sell this at 20k now.

diet dragon

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005



I'll do some errangements..


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


no i disagree there is a high demand for req 8 15>50 weapons now yeh the warding isnt great but just replace it. i think 100k+ is well worth it.

Arabian Prince

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Saudi Arabia



Is it gold?

if it is.. ill pay 10k for it (Also, i must buy a Sundering 10/10 and a good grip for it)

diet dragon

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005



I have to Agree with BrutalBossman..
And yes, it is Gold..

Will edit again, lol

Arabian Prince

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Saudi Arabia



If you want to sell it now, I will come to GW now..

for 15k

diet dragon

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005



Good bids not comin

some peeps might find 100k too high, I think its not due to the godly moded and the nice req.. anyways.. ~ Bump ~

Arabian Prince

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Saudi Arabia



k, im intersting but not for 100k

Ill give you 10k + sundering string 10/9 + grip of warding +6

diet dragon

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005



No thanks mate, Price is what I mentioned earlier..

Keep trying!!

diet dragon

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005




Judas Paladin

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

San Diego, CA



Originally Posted by BrutalBossman
no i disagree there is a high demand for req 8 15>50 weapons now yeh the warding isnt great but just replace it. i think 100k+ is well worth it.
wow whens the last time you've been to LA d1 15>50 low req weapons are now
like a dime a dozen with all the players scouring chests and so forth

i have to admit yes they are rare, but given the sheer amount of people either farming chests or just going out there and killing stuff and getting chests is immense.

Don't know about you but I'm seeing 15>50s out the rear end if you know what I'm saying being advertised in LA d1 and not exactly a high demand either considering i see people spamming for hours straight. Recurve not exactly a wanted bow type either, mods not too great

IMO 80k too high and 20k too low



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

The Marble Clan [KING]


DD never let your price be determined by a poster who hasnt even offered yah money.
req8 15^50% weaoos are in HIGH demand.

thats a recurve. it has the fastest arrow flight time in the game. its only slighly slower than the short halfmoon and flatbow.
what that translates to is that in pvp your arrows have the best chance to hit the target offered in game. its range is 80' putting it 20feet shorter than the long,storm, and flat bow and 20' better than the short halfmoon bows but with the best accuracy.
add all that up and you have a 100k winner. free bump

diet dragon

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005



Thanks Blakk, good point.

Good info too

The New Guy

The New Guy

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Southern CALI



Originally Posted by blakk
DD never let your price be determined by a poster who hasnt even offered yah money.
req8 15^50% weaoos are in HIGH demand.

thats a recurve. it has the fastest arrow flight time in the game. its only slighly slower than the short halfmoon and flatbow.
what that translates to is that in pvp your arrows have the best chance to hit the target offered in game. its range is 80' putting it 20feet shorter than the long,storm, and flat bow and 20' better than the short halfmoon bows but with the best accuracy.
add all that up and you have a 100k winner. free bump Isn't this the same as a Composite Bow, Eternal Bow and a Dead Bow?

Refire Rate Range Flight Time
2.4 seconds 80' 0.5 seconds

This is the 2nd to the lowest in rank when it comes to having a Perfect middle type Bows. I'd say its worth 70k-90k now.

Judas Paladin

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

San Diego, CA



sometimes when imbored i go to LA d1 and sit
you should try it too

i meant 80k as start is too high and 20k is too low
yes the price might get over 100K i and i wouldnt be surprised but with a start of 80k this isnt exaclty gonna be a hot item one or two takers might come since the start bid is too close to the real price of the item.

yes im fully aware of the recurve having technically the highest accuracy for its range and im also aware of allllllllll the different bow properties and yes it is highly used in PVP
however not as much in PVE which is what i was talking about

for PVP there is the PVP recurve bow, and that is what is used so widely

you dont have to explain to me why that bow is used so much for pvp, i already know it but who will spend 100K for that when you can get it for free by making a pvp character

in PVE composites and recurves hold value for interrupting while other bows have more favorable properties for PVE. What im hinting towards is trading is for PVE players mostly (especially people who pay100K+ for items, because gold hold little to no value to PVPers) and the true value of this bow ( or at least what you suggest is the true value which is the accuracy) lies in PVP. For PVE looks and range and speed matter more to MOST people.

for this reason im not so sure about the req doing too much good either as most pve players who depend on bows will have more than 8 marks unless you're a trapper who uses like a staff or something, just raising the price on the item when someone could buy the identical bow with req 10+ for 1/5th the price

diet dragon

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005



Judas, thanks for the feedback but I prefer ppl typing offers rather than comments.


EDIT - shanksie - i've closed this thread as the SELL forum is not a place for bow discussion tho i do appreciate that the discussion was in part sparked by value opinions. It's not fair on the other threads if this thread gets continued bumping due to an (semi) irrelevant conversation regarding bows.