Hes the weps and sheilds i have:
Upgrades: Bow
enchants last 10% longer
vamp. 3/1
armor pen. 10/9- 10k
Crafting maerials:
250 iron- sold
250 iron
250 iron
250 iron
250 Wood
250 Wood
250 Wood
250 Wood
250 tanned hides
250 scales
250 cloth
I would like to sell all materials for 10 each and in sets of 250. I also have more that are not in 250's but u can pm or talk to me in game.
I reserve the right to not sell if i dont like the bids.
Selling lots of golds, greens and crafting materials
Toad Healer
I would like 400 iron. My IGN is Calladus Swiftblade, and I will be on shortly.
Toad Healer
i am selling them in 250s so u would need to buy 500
ap 9% 10 k
Toad Healer
24 h bump