Question 1-I have a very fast computer but a slow connection will Guild Wars run ok?
Question 2-Can anyone list the Highs and lows of the game?
Some questions
Diablo man
User Name
1) your latency will be rough and you'll get the occassional lag spike but I've heard that the game runs quite well(in comparison to other online games) on dial up
2) Highs - Level quickly. No need for grind. Gold Isn't needed. Great gameplay. solid skill listing. Very balanced.
Lows - arenanet is a ballwashing company. WaW makes it quite difficult for anyone outside of US and Korea to get into FoW and UW. Lacks end-game appeal. PvPers will fight PvEers to the death in defense that this game is "PvP based"....PvEers will fight PvPers to the death in defense that this game is "PvE based"...The broad majority of the community base is either a) mildly retarded b) griefers c) horrible at the game.
2) Highs - Level quickly. No need for grind. Gold Isn't needed. Great gameplay. solid skill listing. Very balanced.
Lows - arenanet is a ballwashing company. WaW makes it quite difficult for anyone outside of US and Korea to get into FoW and UW. Lacks end-game appeal. PvPers will fight PvEers to the death in defense that this game is "PvP based"....PvEers will fight PvPers to the death in defense that this game is "PvE based"...The broad majority of the community base is either a) mildly retarded b) griefers c) horrible at the game.
1. I'm on a middle of the run computer with 56K dial-up and the game runs fine for me. I get the occassional lag spike while playing, but it's not that bad - the worst times is when I enter a town/outpost with lots of people and my connection tries to process them all (I know it's not my graphics as my fps doesn't drop all that much, but I still "lag".. thus it's my connection). But apart from that the game plays fine on dial-up.
2. high's - no monthly fee, no level grind, no real need for gold unless you absolutely "have" to have something, plays great imo, low comp specs, runs well over dial-up, based more on skill than twitch, professions mostly well balanced, can play "solo" with henchies, nice storyline (not fully engrossing like some games), can play quest's & mission's with other players, can be part of a guild and do Guild vs Guild PvP if your guilds up to it, the game looks really nice, some of the music tracks are very nice as well (and some are down-right forgettable.. LOL)
Lows - terrible PvP community (they will abuse & insult anyone and everyone), moron PvE players, whiners saying ANet are ballwashers, typical immature behaviour in PvP and PvE (but this is a problem in all games), the Storyline is a bit weak (HA!) and really just goes everything very fast without really explaining anything, WaW (Worlds at War) can make things hard for Europeans to experience the UnderWorld or Fissure of Woe content, trade spam in local chat..
2. high's - no monthly fee, no level grind, no real need for gold unless you absolutely "have" to have something, plays great imo, low comp specs, runs well over dial-up, based more on skill than twitch, professions mostly well balanced, can play "solo" with henchies, nice storyline (not fully engrossing like some games), can play quest's & mission's with other players, can be part of a guild and do Guild vs Guild PvP if your guilds up to it, the game looks really nice, some of the music tracks are very nice as well (and some are down-right forgettable.. LOL)
Lows - terrible PvP community (they will abuse & insult anyone and everyone), moron PvE players, whiners saying ANet are ballwashers, typical immature behaviour in PvP and PvE (but this is a problem in all games), the Storyline is a bit weak (HA!) and really just goes everything very fast without really explaining anything, WaW (Worlds at War) can make things hard for Europeans to experience the UnderWorld or Fissure of Woe content, trade spam in local chat..
Diablo man
Well my connection speed is 45.6 kpgs wats yours?
Saner the Stoner
Diablo man
wats the code?
Originally Posted by Saner the Stoner
Diablo man