EDITED by Shanksie: reason REPOSTING DUPLICATE THREADS. Please read the forum guidelines which can be found here >Trade forum Guidelines<. You can always use the edit function to alter your first post. You can only post once in your own thread in any 24 hour period. These rules ensure everyone has a fair chance at having a thread on the first few pages. Because your thread has been closed for a violation of guidelines you must wait 24 hours (from the time the thread was CLOSED) before you can create a new thread.
Diet Dragon - the first thread was closed due to vast OT on builds/bows etc etc. And as it wasn't entirely your fault i saw no reason to make you wait 24 hours before reposting the thread again, which you did here. However just because this thread has not proved as popular it does not give you to excuse to repost the thread a third time. Mulitple auctions are not allowed and neither is having duplicate threads to avoid bumping.
Sundering Recurve Bow of Warding 4 Sale!!
diet dragon