WTS Gold Perfect Stormbow
Starting bid is 20k and minimum increments of 5k.
Auction ends Sunday unless I say otherwise, I will give 24hour notice if I extend the auction.
I reserve the right not to sell the item if i do not like the bid.
No buyout as of yet.
I have a 10/10 sundering bowstring as an optional accessory instead of the icy bowstring that is already on the bow. It is there as an option to the winning bidder if he/she chooses to buy it or not.
If winning bidder chooses to buy the bowstring, an extra charge of 35k (price is off this guideline ) will be added along with the price of the bow.
But for now, bid as if there was NO sundering bowstring. i will go into more detail about the string seperately to the winning bidder.
I will accept offers of ecto at 8k each, or if offers exceed 100k and you do not have the ecto, than we will use MCS's trading system. Happy bidding.
not selling since offer was too low
bump...aww no1 wants it? =(
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