warrior /?

gpops 88

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

i almost done with my nec/mo andwanted to know what u guys reccomend for my warrs secondary.
I know there is no special build and i know i will gt flamed but u guys musy have a prefernce on this,
Im thinking it for gvg, and imleaning towards either warr/r warr/ mo or warr/ele i hope you guys can clear this up.

gpops 88

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

ive just ascended and i want those points.

gpops 88

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

i guess i saved space



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

In a van down by the river :)

After Dark Club [REAL]


could always go ranger and get apply poison, that would be a nice additional damage mod on your weapons.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

New York


I chose a W/Mo for my first character because of the soloing/running abilities, and also because I've never played these types of games and wanted an 'easier' build to start with. I beat the game with it and love it, and find myself missing spammable rez and mending or healing breeze when I play my E/Me. W/E is good if you want to deal tons of damage, the only problem with that is the limited energy of warriors. I've seen people who play W/R, and they seem to like that...although I have no experience in the ranger profession aside from having a friend who plays one. They're good for defenses though.

And the 15 attribute quest locations are explained in a post that's a couple down from yours. http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...ad.php?t=61751 Do searches before you ask questions like that if you don't wanna be flamed. You can edit your posts if you forget something, too

Shattered Self

Shattered Self

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005



Warrior/Ranger: take beast mastery just for tiger's fury, or wilderness survival for troll unguent and apply poison and a couple other skills

Warrior/Elementalist: an elemental weapon and a conjure spell can let you shred people expecting you to do physical damage, and the earth line has some nice buffs

Warrior/Necromancer: death to eat corpses and whatnot, or blood for life-stealing, or curses to soften people up (weaken armor comes to mind)

Warrior/Monk: probably the hardest-to-kill combo in the game

I'm not familiar enough with Mesmers to make suggestions there, but several people have told me they like the W/Me combo.

gpops 88

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

u guys rule,
one more ? tho
i have a nec / monk build what do you guys think of where i should change him to,
once again i know everything works in this game but some work better than other im leaning mez



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

New York


lol, once again, too many combos for one to be the best...basically to compliment a necro with each secondary (without knowing what you specialize in) *I* would use...
Monk: healing for self (blood) or minions, protection for self, maybe even smiting?
Warrior: Tactics for stances, defensive (touch type spells)
Mesmer: Domination for hexes that compliment Necro hexes
Ele: Wards or Armor increases
Ranger: wilderness for defensive

I guess we'd need more info to make a judgement, such as what attributes you specialize in, what you're looking for in a secondary, and what your problem with your current secondary is (not enough energy/not defensive enough/not offensive enough/etc.). I've put a lot of thought into what I want to do with my next char (a necro, hehe) so I've been reading up on it...there's a lot of guides out there that can give you info if you do a google search (or prob even search on this site) for 'guild wars necro secondary'.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

While I am biased, I gotta say W/R to your first quesion. You can do the pet thing if you want, but wilderness survival is a great option.... troll ungent, apply poison (great with hundred blades or cyclone axe in pve), traps (barbed = bleeding, crippled, flame=duh). This combo seems great to me: weakening up your opponents with conditions, and also options to keep doing damage (poison) or slow them (trap) when they try to get away from you. Troll ungent is a good way to help you and your monk out, too.

The other one I would try is W/el.... damage is supposed to be real good, and wards would be a big help. Whatever you do, I would suggest you stay away from the w/mo cliche... just my opinion, though.

And the necro, like others said, need to know more about what parts of the necro line you want, before you can decide how to better compliment that.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

New York


Originally Posted by tuperwho
Whatever you do, I would suggest you stay away from the w/mo cliche... just my opinion, though.
I'm not going to flame you, I'm just wondering why? I think part of the reason W/Mos are so popular are because you can create really good builds and solo if you want to.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

I respect what you're saying. It is true that they are proven to work, and one can look up good builds that can be very powerful. I personally like to come up with my own combos/builds, and take a sense of satisfaction from being a bit more original (even if I come up with what others already have, it still feels more like my own char. if I thought it up). It's just a sense of being original or not following the crowd. I do not mean to offend with this statement, for as I said, it's just my opinion. I would simply recommend to look into all the options the game has, instead of jumping first and foremost into the "cookie cutters".



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

GMT -5


I went W/Mo with my first warrior. It was a lot of fun. Healing/protection for added survivability or Smiting to do extra damage. I changed to W/E later and found that to be equally fun, just a little different. The spell lines Ele gives add skills accordingly:
Fire -- obviously for damage. Fireball is a good choice. Low cast time, decent AoE damage, low energy cost.
Air -- also for very good damage with a few buff choices (blinding flash, windborne...)
Earth -- drop wards a lot. Your monk will love you for it.
Water -- use AoE cold spells to do a little damage, but mostly to make sure enemies can't run past you to your casters. I carried Ice Spikes for this. Also used Armor of Mist for charging into battle.
Right now I'm trying W/N. I find the blood line to be very nice. Vampiric Gaze can be a life saver, and Well of Blood lets the healers have a little breathing room.

As for your Necro: I've had the most use with /Mo and /Me. The Ele spells are a little costly; I had a hard time keeping up with Energy even with Soul Reaping at 9. /W and /R could be useful but necros are such excellent support characters, why charge into battle? /Mo I used Blood and Healing a lot. Even without divine favor I could heal as well as Monks as long as there were corpses around (that's the *huge* catch...). As /Me I went Curses + Domination. Very painful for the enemies.

Hope this helps you with all those choices out there! The only big suggestion I have is try everything until you find something you really enjoy. My opinion is: just about any build can work, as long as you have the skill to pull it off.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

New York


Originally Posted by tuperwho
I respect what you're saying. It is true that they are proven to work, and one can look up good builds that can be very powerful. I personally like to come up with my own combos/builds, and take a sense of satisfaction from being a bit more original (even if I come up with what others already have, it still feels more like my own char. if I thought it up). It's just a sense of being original or not following the crowd. I do not mean to offend with this statement, for as I said, it's just my opinion. I would simply recommend to look into all the options the game has, instead of jumping first and foremost into the "cookie cutters".
Not offended at all, just curious. It's kinda funny because I came up with my W/Mo and E/Me by myself when I first got the game, and wound up finding out how popular the builds are afterward. And when I look up good tank/solo and nuker builds, they usually have almost the same skill set as me. I guess I'm just good at strategizing lol (although I'm changing Me for Monk since I don't use any of those skills and spammable rez is great).


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

I think we're on the same page here. It's just a shame there are so many copy cats that have placed a stigma on the w/mo line in the minds of many.

So is it me, or have we broken new ground here.... a respectful exchange of opinions/ideas without namecalling/flaming? There is hope for GWG forums yet!

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


warrior/monk a great build for people who like to do warrior (and you see lots of people in GW who is W/M build) The reason is warrior primary allow you to do damage and able to let you tank and attack enemies without worry that you might die. With monk secondary, you can heal yourself or allies, res or rebirth dead allies and use all the skills to basically keep your warrior going.

Warrior/Elementlist is the build that I'm using. It pretty cool, you can use your warrior's skills to attack enemies up close than finish them off with elementlist skills such as firestorm, meteor showers, earthquake and many other Area Of Effect spell that would do damages to large group of enemies.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

New York


Originally Posted by tuperwho
I think we're on the same page here. It's just a shame there are so many copy cats that have placed a stigma on the w/mo line in the minds of many.

So is it me, or have we broken new ground here.... a respectful exchange of opinions/ideas without namecalling/flaming? There is hope for GWG forums yet!
LOL, there's too much flaming in EVERY forum, not just here...it's just one of the joys of the anonymous internet. I usually just assume that people who flame are the people who are the most insecure about their abilities. And really, there's no one that's a complete expert in GW, so if you can't be constructive then shuddup (oh, and the whole, don't knock it til you've tried/experienced it)

BTW, one of the main reasons that I like Monk secondaries is just for secondary rez and a healing spell/enchant (like breeze). In most of my characters, I barely use secondaries to begin with, so if I'm not gonna use it I might as well go secondary monk for the infinite rezzing.