Selling Very Nice ALL Gold Items all max damage and many near perfect

Redemption Knight

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Commanders of Chaos


#1 Furious Wingblade of Swordmanship 15-22, 13%>50%,10%furious double adran, +1 swords mastary 19% req 12
#2 Furious Short Sword of Warding 15-22, 14% damage alawys -10armor while attack, 6% double adrna, +6 armor vs ele req 11
#3 Defensive Smiting Staff of Pruning 11-22 +10energy, +1 inspiration 18%, +1 death 16%,+5 armor, +16%damage vs plants req 10
#4 Sundering Composite Bow of Marksmanship 15-28, 13%>50%, 8% armor penetration, +1 marksmanship 19% req 11
#5 Vampuric Great Axe of Enchanting 6-28, 20%<50%, 2/-1 lifesteal, Enchantments last 15% req 8
#6 Vampuric War Axe of Fortitude 6-28, 20%<50%, 2/-1 lifesteal, +25 health req 11
#7 Truncheon 11-22 improves casting speed of Divine 20% req 11 blood
#8 Stone Summit Shield 16 armor, -3 recieve damage 8%, +23 health while in stance req 10 tactics
#9 Summit Warlord Shield 16 armor, +23 health while in stance, +1 protection 15% req 10 tactics
#10 Shadow Shield 16 armor -2 damage while hexed, req 11 strength
#11 Eternal Shield (purple) 16 armor +1 strength 13% req 12