not auction, price listed already
3-1 vamp axe haft (15k)
5-1 vamp hammer haft ( 10k )
10/10 sunder hammer haft ( 12k )
20% enchant bow grip (5k) -reserve for tinklr-
+5 armor bow grip (4k)
28life sword pommel (5.5k)
27life axe pommel(3.5k)
+5 armor sword pommel (4k)
+5 armor axe grip (4k)
Shield of wing 44 Life enchanted 9 req (12k)
Aegis 41 life enchanted 8req (8k)
Ornate buckler 41life enchanted / -2 stance 8req (28k)
Max longsword +15%always -1health regen +5armor always 13req (12k) ~_~
SELLING max ornate buckler 8req tact
43 enchant
-2 enchanted
100k!!! this shield will only be up for sale for 4 hours from the time of edit
1k off for every 3 item u buy ~_~
please leave ign or u can contact me straight on k u r a p i c a
Huge Perf Upgrade + shield sale CHEAP!!!!
jenna mysti
ill take the bow grip ,and the sunder hammer haft
ign , crissy mae
ill be on tomorrow during the day
ign , crissy mae
ill be on tomorrow during the day
Alrik Spellbinder
I'll take the long sword for 12k
Ign- Alrik Spellbinder
Ign- Alrik Spellbinder
Alrik Spellbinder
Sry man, was afk for a little : /
il take the axe grip 5 armor 4k
ign ranger holylitez
ign ranger holylitez
Lord Sasuke
ill take the sword pommel +28 life
Ruoenkruez Tudor
i'll take last shield for 100k
Gonk The Mighty
I'll buy the axe pommel +27 please
Gonk The Mighty
Gonk The Mighty
Gonk The Mighty
Super quick! Thx a million!
Mr Carlquist
i will take the 5/1 hammer
thanks for finding me fast, good prices.
nvm, didnt see someone taken the shield