[Video] Vengeance Will Avenge You (Blame Lulu)
Brett Kuntz
This is one of the more powerful Arena builds you can run when 5 of your guildmates want to play Team Arena and don't invite you over some other guy. You're forced to go it alone, so you might as well bring this hard hitting build. This build is by far the most powerful ressurecting machine in the history of Guild Wars, invented by, you guessed it, me:
lmao. How much faction did they end up getting after all was said and done?
Kariston The Swift
Hahahaha nice. I tried that with a R/Mo once except no vengence or Unyielding.
Brett Kuntz
Originally Posted by AeroLion
lmao. How much faction did they end up getting after all was said and done?
Kool Pajamas
ah, it says i need a codec to play it, but cant find where to get it.
Originally Posted by kunt0r
You only get Fac for the 1st kill(s) per player, so they'd only have gotten 80 from kills regardless of how many times each player was killed.
Brett Kuntz
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
ah, it says i need a codec to play it, but cant find where to get it.
Must have been a good laugh for you guys.
pretty cruel though.
pretty cruel though.
While the frenzy heal sig combo is certaintly powerful, I still prefer the ultimate res machine. The power of this build I believe is greater than the frenzy + heal sig.
arcane echo, unyielding aura, light of dwayna, vengeance, rebirth, ressurect, ressurection signet, restore life.
arcane echo, unyielding aura, light of dwayna, vengeance, rebirth, ressurect, ressurection signet, restore life.
One and Two
Mann......I formally request of Kuntz to tutor me in the ways of Guild Wars.
If not, youre still crazy. You probably had like 9999 requests like this already, anyway.
If not, youre still crazy. You probably had like 9999 requests like this already, anyway.
Wow you gave those teams free faction.. wheres mine?
Caelus The Fallen
Damn those Waymoes, what will they come up with next?
I don't even comprehend why one would do this build. Why is it so powerful on ressurection, aside from having a bunch of rez skills?
And finally...what is the point? It looked like the build was doing no good in a fight and that it didn't help your team win. Is it just a fun way of griefing people?
And finally...what is the point? It looked like the build was doing no good in a fight and that it didn't help your team win. Is it just a fun way of griefing people?
I guess so, Photeus. Either griefing your teamates by ressing them over and over only to be killed by capable opponents OR griefing less capable opponents by giving them a hard time trying to defeat your teamates that keep getting back up for more fights =/
what's the music in the clip?
Ranger with oath shot and rez skills can be a pain in the arse
I would have thought some kind of monk and necro combo using resurect, vengence, and unyielding with death nova and putrid explosion would have been more interesting.
does anyone know what is the music used in that movie?