Auction: Brohn's Holy Rod


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

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  • generik

    Desert Nomad

    Join Date: Jun 2005


    Edit: Just to add that I might consider not selling if the final bid does not meet my minimum bid as stated in my OP

    Come on people, you might say everything you want about how greens are the next "collector's item".

    Go on, go to SF right now and try to slay all bosses, and out again. Do whatever "uber" difficult quests if you may. At the end of the day I can assure you one thing, you probably should consider yourself lucky if you get a Yakslapper, or some such.

    Oh, and probably a lot of enslavement stones... afterall you have essentially become enslaved to your own quest in obtaining this same item!

    Better rod for 5K?

    Pfft.. I can get 4 times that in 2 hours of griffon slaughtering.. and guess what? That is actually very enjoyable and quite a pleasure really.. no "grind" to that depending on how you see things. Try "farming" SF with random PUGs and tell me if you share the same experience too. And remember, even if you DO see that boss, and this item ACTUALLY DROPS, there is still a 7/8 chance that it WON'T be for you.

    Essentially the odds are heaped STRONGLY against you, sorry to put it bluntly. Ultimately it depends on how much you deem this item to be worth, and how much you value your time, and how much you intend to enjoy said item and actually get to play your profession BETTER.

    And I do mean BETTER, as in less incidents of your healing spell fizzling just because of that silly 1/4s casting delay... or 4s cooldown.. or what have you.

    This rod does serve my monk pretty well in various quests and adventures. I'm sure others might think the same too and bid accordingly.

    One man's meat is another's poison, conversely one man's poison is another man's meat! Thanks again!



    Lion's Arch Merchant

    Join Date: Jul 2005

    Wild Bladez


    50k i bought a green one with skill recharge 10 and casting speed 10 way better than that one for 5k

    Airsoft Tom

    Ascalonian Squire

    Join Date: Aug 2005



    For what it's worth 15k is max i'll give for it

    If interested contact me by pm or in game

    Ign Angel of Apocalyps.



    Jungle Guide

    Join Date: Apr 2005

    Perth, Australia

    ^ that would be gardocs holy rod, but if your a full healer, brohns rod is the best.

    Aeryn Dimeneira

    Aeryn Dimeneira

    Academy Page

    Join Date: Aug 2005


    Luxan Forces


    I'll give you 2 ectos for it ^
    IGN : Aeryn Dimeneira

    Airsoft Tom

    Ascalonian Squire

    Join Date: Aug 2005



    reconsidered my offer: 20k


    Frost Gate Guardian

    Join Date: May 2005



    70K on it if you still have it.