upper level limit for academy?
I have been playing in the first section. I have achieved level 7 Elementalist, but I cannot get into the Academy to get to the Searing. Was there a point at which I became too high a level to join the academy? If so, do I now have to start all over again? Or can I still get to seared Ascalon?
I got into the Academy when I was lvl 6, and I have heard people of getting in when lvl 7 and maybe even higher.
You may just not have completed all the primary quests and/or gotten a secondary profession.
You may just not have completed all the primary quests and/or gotten a secondary profession.
Olfin Bedwere
Originally Posted by Kha
You may just not have completed all the primary quests and/or gotten a secondary profession.
belive you have to talk to an ascalon guard and accept that quest before you are allowed into the academy...
I'm not sure if it is true, but I've been told by numerous people that you can only complete the academy if you are grouped with another person.
I wouldn't know, because I grouped with a warrior andit let us in anyway.
FYI-He was lvl 8, so you should still be able to get in.
I wouldn't know, because I grouped with a warrior andit let us in anyway.

FYI-He was lvl 8, so you should still be able to get in.

Originally Posted by ShaneFalco
I'm not sure if it is true, but I've been told by numerous people that you can only complete the academy if you are grouped with another person.
I wouldn't know, because I grouped with a warrior andit let us in anyway. ![]() FYI-He was lvl 8, so you should still be able to get in. ![]() |
Ashleigh McMahon
You have a choice, you can go in grouped, or get put into a random party.
Regards, Ashleigh.
Regards, Ashleigh.
There is one and only requirement to enter to the academy, you MUST complette your PRIMARY QUESTS. Check your quest log for them. If you still have quests marked as "PRIMARY QUEST", Sir Tydus will not speak with you seriously. Meaning he won't give you the option to go to the academy.
I thought you also had to have your second profession? He only mentioned 1.
Aidan Gawain
I got in at lvl 8 so you should be good.
Rizzen Khalazar
You need to have your secondary profession, otherwise it will not let you into the academy.
Sausaletus Rex
Requirements for getting into the Academy - You must be lv3, you must have two professions, and you must complete those quests listed as "Primary" in your log (Basically, these are the quests that railroad you to the Academy anyway - Getting your first skills, getting a second profession, and so on).
What happens in the Academy - You'll find yourself in a randomly created party of people who also entered the Academy at the same time as you, filled out with henchmen as necessary. Then, you'll fight another team in a PvP Arena match with the goal of earning more kills than the other side. Win or lose, there's then a PvE portion with your team where you'll need to fight through a small map and kill a boss. Then it's the Searing and onto Old Ascalon.
There is no upper limit on your level when you enter the Academy. However, it's very hard to get higher than a certain amount in Pre-Searing. You'll run through all the quests and if monsters are too below your level you'll gain no XP from them. So it's impossible to get to more than lv9~10 and realistically you'll never want to get that high in the first place.
What happens in the Academy - You'll find yourself in a randomly created party of people who also entered the Academy at the same time as you, filled out with henchmen as necessary. Then, you'll fight another team in a PvP Arena match with the goal of earning more kills than the other side. Win or lose, there's then a PvE portion with your team where you'll need to fight through a small map and kill a boss. Then it's the Searing and onto Old Ascalon.
There is no upper limit on your level when you enter the Academy. However, it's very hard to get higher than a certain amount in Pre-Searing. You'll run through all the quests and if monsters are too below your level you'll gain no XP from them. So it's impossible to get to more than lv9~10 and realistically you'll never want to get that high in the first place.
Ive gotten out on lvl 7 [=
Thank you all for the replies. The part about the 2nd profession is what i don't have. Don't want it either. I went through the academy during the BWEs with just the 1 profession. Was there ever an announcement about this rule change? Why are they forcing us to have 2 professions? I am a specialist! I want to be very good at catching things on fire (with my Ele). I've already been thinking about W/Mo for the other guy.
Grrr! I hate it when the rules change and the world no longer conforms to my liking.

just cause you ahve 2 professions doesn't mean you need to do anything with it. I bet they are doing it to keep people from getting into post and not being able to get a secondary, then complaining cause they ahve to reroll or wait like 5 or 6 levels.