RARE Fellblades 15>50 req 9 two Perfekt bonus
Hi Got 2 Fellblades for sale
reserv the right to not sell if the price is unfair
Fellblade Nr: 1 C/o 650k
Fellblade Nr: 2 Sold in Game
Ectos 9k
Leave ya IGN and offer
Happy bidding
reserv the right to not sell if the price is unfair
Fellblade Nr: 1 C/o 650k
Fellblade Nr: 2 Sold in Game
Ectos 9k
Leave ya IGN and offer
Happy bidding
avoid tricant healer. he has been banned like 3-4 times on guru. he has made plenty of guru accounts now. i will report this one also.
Knight of Eternal Darknes
nice fell
Haywires Destiny
I have no idea of his past dealings but a guildmate of mine made a nice transaction with him. I was there to moderate (screenshot etc).
300k + perfect longsword was traded for 15>50 chaos i think. Making multi accounts is bad but labeling someone a scammer is a serious accusation.
I have no idea of his past dealings but a guildmate of mine made a nice transaction with him. I was there to moderate (screenshot etc).
300k + perfect longsword was traded for 15>50 chaos i think. Making multi accounts is bad but labeling someone a scammer is a serious accusation.
daily bump
Xan Tritus
for the 15>50 fell
take a look in here, see something you like, pm me and we can work something out
IGN Xamec Darkhawk
take a look in here, see something you like, pm me and we can work something out
IGN Xamec Darkhawk
good fellblade free bump (L Orchidee)
600k for #1 IGN: Sasuke Kun
Ive got a nice perfect 15% while enchanted chaos axe and a +30 health always shield. We could work something out...
Like anything in there, let me know
Like anything in there, let me know
ill bid 650k for #1... and for tricant healer.. he scammed a fellow named Sir ***** for 50 ectos
Originally Posted by ayds_
ill bid 650k for #1... and for tricant healer.. he scammed a fellow named Sir ***** for 50 ectos
yep i was there at the time
yep i was there at the time
so when does bidding end?
Bumpy again
The price has not Meet Please close this thread someone