Problem with resolution.
I have a problem with my resolution in GW, in that apparantly it doesn't like setting my resolution to 1600x1200 on a 64bit PCI-e card. So when I set the resolution, I froze, power-cycled, and tried again, only now it's stuck at the 1600x1200 resolution that causes me difficulties. I looked in the registry for any options related, but that yielded no results. Anyway I can override this?
1. Reinstall Guild Wars
2. Try to modify monitor drivers and remove 1600x1200 resolution by using program like Reforce. Maybe then GW thinks it is not supported and reset to default resolution or something.
2. Try to modify monitor drivers and remove 1600x1200 resolution by using program like Reforce. Maybe then GW thinks it is not supported and reset to default resolution or something.