Soul Reaping


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005

The Brothers United


I've been playing as a N/W for a while now, but still have a question concerning soul reaping. I don't really understand what this skill does. I don't notice anything when I set attribute points to it either. What benefits would I get by raising this attribute?

Catalin Dracul

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005



you gain 1 energy for every rank in the attribute when a creature(monster, player etc..) dies near you


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

You gain energy when a creature in your area dies. I wanna say the amount is how much your level is such that at level 8 soul reaping you get 8 energy each time something dies but im not 100%.
This is an effective energy manage method in tombs where lots of ppl die a few times over, allowing you to bring some other elite than Offering of Blood.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

New York


Both of you are right. You gain 1 energy for each attribute point in soul reaping whenever something around you dies.

It has NO skills tied to it, and you shouldn't max it unless you really need that much energy, since with a good team things should be dropping dead fast enough to give you the energy you need. It gives Necros that "second-wind" kind of thing so that, while the eles/mesmers/etc. are getting low on energy from battles, you're actually gaining it.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


I often play a Blood-Necro, with all my points in Blood Magic and Soul Reaping. With the truncheon and grim cesta combo that I use, I start with 62 energy with a -1 regen in energy. With Soul Reaping maxed with minor rune in place and superior in Blood Magic, I drain players quickly and have energy to spare:

Awaken the Blood tops my Blood Magic out at 18, Demonic Flesh gives me a minute of 700 Hit Points, Life Transfer [elite] sucks life at -9 from enemies/+9 for me, Life Siphon maxes out the drainage capacity, Vampiric Gaze robs 68 Health, (if I remember right--->) Barbed Signet robs the same at no energy cost, Well of Blood heals allies for +7 or +8 (depending on Awaken the Blood still being in effect), and Rebirth (monk secondary) or res sig...rinse repeat...

When the bodies hit the ground I get enough energy to cast a whole spell or more...When most other casters are running out of mana, I've usually got enough to finish them off and heal my party a bit...except spikers and interruptors...they make me a bit less effective...oh, and warriors will gang-up on me first...two I can handle for a while and maybe even beat (depending on build), but three, or even one with multiple knockdowns and I'm dead...All in all, though, the Soul Reaping attribute keeps my energy up (especially when running with a minion master...every dead minion is energy for me!). I find it a highly underrated attribute. If you run with it maxed, you have an advantage over other casters as long as things keep dying.