the auction will last for 26 hours.
its ok to msn me,its ok to bid in game.
my IGN is Thraldine Endrealia
MSN = [email protected]
no im not placing buyouts cause i really dont know what they should be. I don't wanna offend anyone with a B/o that's too high
min bids on all items are
bid inc are 5k
I accept gold ecto and shards.
for those who cant see picts
Item 1
Gold skeletal shield
req11 tactics
Health +43 while enchanted
received damage -2 while enchanted
Item 2
Gold Unidentified Falchion
Item 3
Gold smiting rod
damage 11-22
req 8 smiting prayers
improves casting speed using smiting prayers (chance 15%)
Item 4
Gold smiting rod
damage 11-22
req 8 smiting prayers
Energy+5 while enchanted
Improves ALL skill recharge (9% chance)
AUCTION Gold Max Skeletal Shield health *43/rec'd -2 while enchamtect +0ther stuff
10k to start on shield
IGN smitey micsmite
IGN smitey micsmite
BUMP hey cmon fellas the shield is a good one =))
15k - Item 1
10k - Item 4
10k - Item 4
CLOSED sold shield ingame 75k