wts next items:
cripeling spiked axe of shelter.
slashing dmg 6-28 (req. 9 axe mastery). this one nr. 1. starts at 5k.
damage+14% (wile enchanted).
lengter cripeling duration on foe.
armor +6 (against psysical atacks).
heavy hand axe of fortitude.
slashing dmg 6-28 (req. 12axe mastery). this one nr. 2. starts at 10k.
damage+19% (wile health below 50%).
lengters weakness duration on foe.
health +29.
shadow shield.
armor 16 (req 9 strenth). this one nr. 3. starts at 2k.
resiving damage -2 (wile enchanted).
shadow shield.
armor 16 (req. 8 strenth). this one nr. 4. starts at 2k.
armor +7 (vs. slashing atacks)
icy twin hammer of warding.
cold dmg 19-35 (req. 11 hammer mastery). this one nr. 5. starts at 15k.
damage +15 (wile in a stance).
armor +6 (vs elemental atacks).
insigtfull air staff of warding.
energy +10.
ligning dmg 11-22 (req. 10 air magic). this one nr. 6. starts at 20k.
improve casting speed (chance 9%)
improve skill recharge (chance 9%).
energy +4.
armor +7 (vs elemental atacks).
-as u allready gueses this is an auction.
-if you are interested write the number of item and ur bet. bet increase min
-2k per round.
-there is no closing time. so il sell item wen best offer apears.
-all trades will be done at lionĀ“s artch international district by the merchant.
-il update daily and write down the curent bet bellow.
bids on nr.1 (none)
bids on nr.2 (none)
bids on nr.3 (none)
bids on nr.4 (none)
bids on nr.5 (none)
bids on nr.6 (none)
golden weapon auction. (6 items)