PUGs in Tombs
I was just wondering if its possible to do well in tombs with a pug. Ive tried a few times and its always been a complete mess.
Yeh its possible to win it with a pug but i have only been able to do it whit a pug where all of us had TS.
This way attacks can get much more organized.
This way attacks can get much more organized.
blind invite iway pugs can do pretty good
E Power
I personally never go with PUGs because you never know how well you will do, I suggest a group you know like your guild with TS/Vent will do much better.
Shmash Witdaclub
while being in a guild or a group with a specific build is best most of the time - you can never negate the power of a pug.
So yes, pugs can work, been to HoH plenty of times to prove it.
So yes, pugs can work, been to HoH plenty of times to prove it.
Yes PUG's can work well in tombs providing you all have a decent way to communicate with eachother other than typing or pinging on the mini map
What I'm gonna do is start in Drok's in the Team arenas, and if I see good people in my team, add them to my list and ask them if they want to do HoH sometime. That way at least you can see these people in action and know if they're good or not As we all know...PUGs can be great or horrible, it's luck of the draw.