However.. I have thought of a possible way to get Healing Breeze on someone Permently with a hp regen of 8, but do not have the time, or money to afford it.
Well here's my what you would do.
1. Succor +1 hp regen
2. Watchful Spirit +2 hp regen
3. Mending +4 hp regen
Thats where it stops.. however.. I heard there is a green item that gives you a 20% chance of +1 Healing attribute. If this does exist, possibily mending at 16 healing attribute, can hit 17 healing (20% chance) and hit all the way up to 5 hp regen?
I know it works with protection. I have protection icon that gives Protection +1 attribute (20%) chance and with vital blessing, at 16, hits 211. With the 20 percent chance, sometimes it goes up to 221!!!
So.. anyone wanna try this? I don't have the green item to do it

~Ice Blessings~