Vendor reserve prices, near-max staff & nick-knacks
Daegul Mistweaver
Close me please MODs; opening a fresh one.
500g each on #6 and #10
1 k on four
2k on 2
I know you have a reserve on it but would you accept 15k for:
7) Insightful (4) Holy Staff (12 divine) of Enchanting (19%) w/ recharge & speed to all (8/7)
IGN - Jade Salubri
Just let me know thru pm or find me in game.
7) Insightful (4) Holy Staff (12 divine) of Enchanting (19%) w/ recharge & speed to all (8/7)
IGN - Jade Salubri
Just let me know thru pm or find me in game.
Daegul Mistweaver
I'll be adding a few things tomorrow. Jade, I'll pop your bid on there but it'll be down as "reserve not met". No other bids by this weekend I might well take it all the same.
Daegul Mistweaver
Added some items. Lowered the few reserves I have.
Jade, contact me in-game or PM me about the staff; time's passed and your offer will take it.
Jade, contact me in-game or PM me about the staff; time's passed and your offer will take it.
Daegul Mistweaver
Added a few more today, including the rarely seen Sickle. I've not seen one higher than 6-23 sold here so hopefully there will be a happy collector soon; unIDd because I figgure it's already the best to be offered thus far regardless of what mods it may or may not have, so the joy of discovery should go to the new owner. As this is really a fashion item I'm not going to insult anyone by placing a reserve on it; standard rules on it, bid on it will ripen and be accepted after standing 3 days. Here's a pic:
2k on the sickle IGN Kanwulf The Viking
Daegul Mistweaver
I've had some offers for a B/O on the sickle. I'll do some research over the weekend and see if I can come up with one by monday or tuesday, if I have one at all. These things are so niche that it's really hard to put a value on them. My worry is I'd sell it for a fraction of what it's worth or put up an insulting number, and I'd rather not risk the latter. I've done some searching here on the boards and the highest I've seen was a 6-23, and this exceeds that along with the bonus of being blue; but it's still a far cry from a gold 7-28 15>50, so where do you place it? At least with the equally rare crystalines you get max damage regularly; sickles are just bizarre. In any event remember that the ripening for any item is only 3 days; so even without a buyout you should be able to get your hands on whatever you want here fairly quickly.
Oh, and I added the image to the above post for anyone who's never seen one (or, more likely, seen one and sold it to the vendor so fast they can't recall they ever had one).
Just read the forum guideline bit about having to include an end date; so I'm guessing I'll end this on monday or earlier and then repost, keeping everyone's bids current. I guess I'll just close it weekly so that the title more accurately reflects what new things are for sale; I've noticed that when I edit the title of the original post it only changes for viewing the thread from within...title looks the same as it did on day 1 from the sell forum proper.
Oh, and I added the image to the above post for anyone who's never seen one (or, more likely, seen one and sold it to the vendor so fast they can't recall they ever had one).
Just read the forum guideline bit about having to include an end date; so I'm guessing I'll end this on monday or earlier and then repost, keeping everyone's bids current. I guess I'll just close it weekly so that the title more accurately reflects what new things are for sale; I've noticed that when I edit the title of the original post it only changes for viewing the thread from within...title looks the same as it did on day 1 from the sell forum proper.