Tanzits cleaver auction (just about best cleaver in game) also green look for details

shannara king

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Just Friends [JF]


Tanzits cleaver is a very awesome axe. IT is max dmg (6-28) +15%dmg when health is above 50%(perfect) a + 30 health mod (also perfect) and it lengthens deep wounds on foes. Also it only requires axe to eb at lvl 9. so what are u waiting for. its a very good buy. thank you very much.

[IMG]gargash bow[/IMG]

My characters name is also shannara king i am on the game around 5:00-9:00 (central time i think) ty very much again.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005


how much is this for b/o? and whats a good c/o starter for you?