Package deal good items/low prices


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

im selling these as a package, or u can pm me with prices for each item if u wish to

20% enchant sword pommels x2
15>50 max longsword 13req
15dmg enchanted max waraxe 9req
15stance max shortbow 12 req
15dmg enchanted max foehammer 10req
5.1vamp hammer haft
gorrels cane
33enchanted/rec blind shield of wing 8req
+5sword def pommel
+29life sword pommel

all for 85k O_O cheap!

please leave ign if u need thx

Gundam Wing X

Gundam Wing X

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005



5k on that long sword btw anything else on it and wat color is it

IGN~Gundam Wing X

Haywires Destiny

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ignorance Embraced [iE]


nm. didnt see the package thing lol.

Ruoenkruez Tudor

Ruoenkruez Tudor

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

with Jessica Alba


i'll take it for 90k