Hiye guys,
If you can PM or leave your IGN here, our guild is willing for unrated Gvg matches...we can all practice and share ideas (if you want to )..we've had mixed GvG success, lost and won almost same, unfortunately our ranking went bad due to one member who ruined it.
Anyway, we wish to be more up the ladder after the resest, and I'm sure even you too! So lets get on and practice.
Unrated GvG - All Welcome, More practive b4 Reset
GvG, usually on Mondays, Wednesdays. Sometimes on Friday and/or Sat night.
IGN: Sinjin of Regret Officer of Saints of Sin - whisper me in game, and we can schedule some unranked GvG. Our guild is always looking for more GvG experience.
Even after the reset, we're eager for unrated GvG
IGN: Sinjin of Regret Officer of Saints of Sin - whisper me in game, and we can schedule some unranked GvG. Our guild is always looking for more GvG experience.
Even after the reset, we're eager for unrated GvG