- In the guild halls we would like to have a designation for Founder added to the guild. This way a founder can designate a leader to work with them, and the founder has overall control of the guild and is able to take back leadership as needed. Perhaps with a password or something like that. Be able to retain leadership control from an abusive or destructive leader that hijacks a guild under false pretenses.
- With the new Guest system it is nice to be able to bring in friends from other guilds into our guild hall, but when and if they want to join our guild, it is not an easy step to promote them to member from guest. We have to uninvited the guest then send a guild invite to them, and get them to accept. Consequentially, it is also not possible to invite a person and allow them to be a guest simultaneously.
- Lastly there has been a lot of discussion about formations of squads, divisions, or sub-teams within a guild. Red, Blue, Green, & Yellow divisions, as an example. This would make it easier for setting up groups for PvP and GvG matches.
Not to say we have to play ONLY with our squad or division in the guild. But it is easier to have multiple matches going on in large guilds this way because its easier to see what divisions are already occupied.
Note: This may also aide in future update for observer mode. Being able to watch different division matches going on in the guild at the same time. and allow for division unrated practice in GvG within a guild.
Schema Proposal for concept: Founder: (Person that formed the guild, Non transferable) Leader: (Can only be transferred or reclaimed by the Founder) Officers: (Founder / Leader Promotes to this level… Allows GvG initiation) Divisions: (Founder / Leader / Officers Promote to these divisions. Allows GvG initiation) Members: (Rest of members PvE, and Rest of PvP player pool) Guests: (Guest player pool from other guilds, could be promoted to member by officers and above) Invites: (New Recruits through Invites… Officers and above) |