3 green items for sale!



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Simi Valley, Ca

Guild Of Destruction [GOD]


I have three green items that being put up for sale!

The item goes to the highest 'bidder'!
-- Unless you want to buy it out right for the listed price.

1st item: Worth's Icon

buy out price = 30k

2nd item: Stinger

Buy out price = 40k

3rd item: Grognar's Blade

Buy out price = 95k

this sale will be open for one week, starting Sep. 29th 2005 (12:00 PST) and ending on Oct. 5th 2005 (12:00 PST)

remember, the items will go to person who offers the most money or to the first person to meet the 'buy out price' of that item.

Any questions or concerns: IGN: Hebi Dokueki
Post it on here



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Simi Valley, Ca

Guild Of Destruction [GOD]

