Ele/Ra Mirror Image Help
Hi. I got to the point that i face the mirror image. I cant think how to beat him. Im level 18 btw. Air/Fire/Energy Storage are my attributes. (I hate that I chose ranger as second prof) Can anyone help?
Anyone can help? I realize it hasnt been too long since I originally posted but everything is going in front of this post and I think not many people have seen it that can help. Thanks.
Why are you having problems? What is causing you to lose? We're not psychic.

Ah ok guess my first post wasnt clear neither was the title then.. How do I beat the mirror image for ascension? He beats me to fast.
Hehe, that still doesn't help much.
I can't really help answering the actual question as I'm still doing the 3 quests before that. But if you want an answer to a question like this it's best to provide as many details as you can. Perhaps your entire build (skills), and what skills the mirror is using to kill you so fast.

I can't really help answering the actual question as I'm still doing the 3 quests before that. But if you want an answer to a question like this it's best to provide as many details as you can. Perhaps your entire build (skills), and what skills the mirror is using to kill you so fast.
Ah.. He uses whatever skills i bring. I need skills that will weaken myself or have a negative effect but i dont know of any.
your going about it worng and so was I. I did the warrior thing first and tried no skills. Not going to happen becuase weapons are nothe primary kill instrument for us its magic. Find one skill that does heavey damage and give health back to you or health regen to you. still take a weapon for hits will you waiting for spell to regen. just keep hitting him with that spell. and boot the attribute points for that spell. BTW my char is a N/MO. I did not take any heal spells at all just on necro spell.
You have a ton of ranger skills right? Just bring along a bunch of ranger skills that take forever to cast, such as enchantments or those wierd summoning things (dunno what their called XD). The mirror will generally cast those first, giving you ample time to attack and deal some damage.
For ranger's mirror image I heard you just need to lay down traps (barbed trap, dust trap) and kite the image through them.
Sorry i forgot to post back and say that i did it myself. I used the one spell that blinds them (ele spell) and flare. And the one that dodges arrows or magical stuff (some water ele spell) So ah it was actually pretty easy. Use the blind asap. flare for a few secs in between then blind him again. flare again. then when you run low on energy use the spell to dodge his arrows and spells then the rest of the time use flare.
Better than traps: load up on nature rituals. They take like 8 seconds each to cast and help both of you.
Rituals and AoE. Beating your mirror image is all about AI abuse - they'll stand in a Firestorm, you won't.
Well, if you stand in a Firestorm, I can't help you.
Well, if you stand in a Firestorm, I can't help you.
Fire Phllynx
I just managed to get by my mirror self. I'm a R/E20 and this is what I did.
Fire Storm
Glyph of Lesser Energy
Meteor Shower
Dust Trap
Air Attunement
Water Attunement
Barbed Trap
I immediate hit the "C" key (target closest)
Hit the Glyph of Lesser Energy
Struck with Meteor Show
Struck with Fire Storm
Mirror cast a trap which I had no plan on going near
then went with firestorm
I moved and continued with
In between to 2 casting routines I struck with bow
Hope this helps
Fire Storm
Glyph of Lesser Energy
Meteor Shower
Dust Trap
Air Attunement
Water Attunement
Barbed Trap
I immediate hit the "C" key (target closest)
Hit the Glyph of Lesser Energy
Struck with Meteor Show
Struck with Fire Storm
Mirror cast a trap which I had no plan on going near
then went with firestorm
I moved and continued with
In between to 2 casting routines I struck with bow
Hope this helps
This thread could have been closed or stop being replyed to long time ago lol.. 4th to last post even says i did it.. Thanks though..
I'm an El/Mo. I thought about what my weakness is..."I die quickly". With that, I grabbed the spell that heals me when I use mana, and loaded up Fireball, Flame Burst, Inferno, and Pheonix. Bam-bam-bam-bam, and he was dead.
Did I get lucky? With 27hp at the end, most certainly. But I still beat the bastid.
Did I get lucky? With 27hp at the end, most certainly. But I still beat the bastid.

Just load up on nature rituals. When you start the battle the mirrior will lay down all the rituals allowing you to get the jump on him. Firestorm works well too because he won't move out of it.
I'm a e/mo (with no points in air)
I beat him using only my Fire wand
loaded only Conjure Flame (for wand) / Aura of Restoration (for heals) / Air Attunement (for power) / Blinding Flash (air spell)
I avoided damage spells because mirror would waste me with them
I beat him using only my Fire wand
loaded only Conjure Flame (for wand) / Aura of Restoration (for heals) / Air Attunement (for power) / Blinding Flash (air spell)
I avoided damage spells because mirror would waste me with them

any mesmer combo has it the easiest
more so if its a ranger mesmer or mesmer ranger, because at melee distance the mirror uses a melee weapon that does crap damage.
so you pump your domination line, nothing else
memorise hex spells that dont cause you direct damage:
spirit shackles
mind wrack
ethereal burden
imagined burden
soothing images
spirit of failure
(im sure there are more)
then memorise the spell 'shatter hex'
stand in melee range, and let the mirror cast hexes on you. then use shatter hex repeatedly.
the mirror will be doing some really crappy 20 hp damage to you with weapons, meanwhile, youll be dealing out 100+ damage each cast of shatter hex. works nicely.
more so if its a ranger mesmer or mesmer ranger, because at melee distance the mirror uses a melee weapon that does crap damage.
so you pump your domination line, nothing else
memorise hex spells that dont cause you direct damage:
spirit shackles
mind wrack
ethereal burden
imagined burden
soothing images
spirit of failure
(im sure there are more)
then memorise the spell 'shatter hex'
stand in melee range, and let the mirror cast hexes on you. then use shatter hex repeatedly.
the mirror will be doing some really crappy 20 hp damage to you with weapons, meanwhile, youll be dealing out 100+ damage each cast of shatter hex. works nicely.