So, ya, my subject line says it all.
I'm really not liking all these balance changes they keep insisting on doing. I can see why they do some (i.e. Protective Bond), but they really tend to overdue it. For example : A good mesmer should be able to disable a target with inspiration magic by depriving them of energy. It's the most versatile class for this (and as far as I know, the only other one that can is the ranger...though I don't know about the necro...). In fact, the whole inspiration class is pretty much about energy siphoning. But, what do they do? They nerf it so it's entire purpose is basically negated. They get all pissed off that someone figures out a combination of skills that allows them to dominate at one specific function (like the whole ether renewal thing) and nerf 20 different skills! Why? My primary enjoyment in playing these games is skill balancing. Trying to find that dominate template that just works so well at one thing. There's always a counter. There's always a way to beat it. So why do they nerf them over and over again? If they keep this up, I WON'T be buying the new expansion pack this spring because I will have put this game down long before then due to excessive rule changing.
They are essentially going against their mission statement of making this game all about experience in playing as opposed to hours played. Hours played don't really mean much at all, and now experience is meaning less and less....
I'm getting tired of all these balance changes
Once again PvP gets balancing which makes PvE even more unbalanced as enemies using skills you used to use yours against, keep getting more unbalanced against them, Its turning in their favor...
It's not even just the PvE that suffers. The PvP as well. A mesmer before could disable a caster by essentially leaving them with no energy. That's just not as possible anymore. I think that's a vital ability a mesmer SHOULD have. What's the point of nerfing the mesmer this way? Sure, they still get energy back, but in PvP, it can be important to disable another caster. Energy Tap and Energy Drain should *not* work the way they've just changed them to work
New Description :
Ether Feast – Decreased Energy stolen to 3, increased Health gained per Energy stolen to 17..47
Energy Drain – Skill reworked. New description: “Target foe loses 4..10 Energy. You then gain 2 Energy for each point of Energy target foe lost.” Also increased recharge to 30 seconds.
Energy Tap - Skill reworked. New description: “Target foe loses 4..7 Energy. You then gain 2 Energy for each point of Energy target foe lost.” Also increased recharge to 30 seconds.
Old Description :
Ether Feast - Spell
Target foe loses 5 Energy. You are healed 8-24 for each point of Energy lost.
Energy Tap - Spell
Steal 8-13 Energy from target foe.
Energy Drain {Elite} - Spell
Steal 8-18 Energy from target foe.
They need to stop screwing around with the rules. They made them, they should live with them. Ya, once in awhile something NEEDS to be changed, but that doesn't mean changing a bunch of other stuff (the only skill I can imagine NEEDING to be changed have been Protective Bond, and MAYBE Ether Renewal. I think Ether Renewal was fine the way it was. Just nerf the whole enchantment trick)
New Description :
Ether Feast – Decreased Energy stolen to 3, increased Health gained per Energy stolen to 17..47
Energy Drain – Skill reworked. New description: “Target foe loses 4..10 Energy. You then gain 2 Energy for each point of Energy target foe lost.” Also increased recharge to 30 seconds.
Energy Tap - Skill reworked. New description: “Target foe loses 4..7 Energy. You then gain 2 Energy for each point of Energy target foe lost.” Also increased recharge to 30 seconds.
Old Description :
Ether Feast - Spell
Target foe loses 5 Energy. You are healed 8-24 for each point of Energy lost.
Energy Tap - Spell
Steal 8-13 Energy from target foe.
Energy Drain {Elite} - Spell
Steal 8-18 Energy from target foe.
They need to stop screwing around with the rules. They made them, they should live with them. Ya, once in awhile something NEEDS to be changed, but that doesn't mean changing a bunch of other stuff (the only skill I can imagine NEEDING to be changed have been Protective Bond, and MAYBE Ether Renewal. I think Ether Renewal was fine the way it was. Just nerf the whole enchantment trick)

There are two options that ArenaNet has. The first is to continue what they are doing, pissing off half of their gaming population. The other option is to do nothing, in which case there will be two builds in the game, something stupid like IWAY and IWAY counter, in which case the only people who play PvP are one of those two builds, who then complain about how boring the game is.
This is a new game, so they are not "nerfing" skills at this point, they are balancing them. The goal is to make it so that a number of different builds are equally viable, and that there is not a single build that will always trounce every build except one designed to combat it.
This is a new game, so they are not "nerfing" skills at this point, they are balancing them. The goal is to make it so that a number of different builds are equally viable, and that there is not a single build that will always trounce every build except one designed to combat it.
Mr Wolfmaster
Deal with the change maybe? Figure out new stragies? All Anet is trying to do is make things fair. You can't expect everything to be perfect the day it comes out. (durr) Maybe you don't like it cause it rocks your boat but for me I haven't had a problem with anything anet has done. Would you rather they didn't do anything and left the game subject to one build dominating all forever? Would you rather have one build so overpowered that if you don't use it everyone calls you a newb? Would you rather have them cut the crativity of dealing with old builds closing and new ones forming? Hmm? Why think of new builds if one is so overpowered that it's the only thing worth doing?
EDIT: Have you ever considered that maybe the reason the game is boring is cause there's nothing to do after you beat the game but pvp?
EDIT: Have you ever considered that maybe the reason the game is boring is cause there's nothing to do after you beat the game but pvp?
This is the wrong forum for complaints about the balance changes.