GW "community' a joke, so are the nerfs.
Hanuman li Tosh
they made 49 nerfs in the last 2 updates on skills alone. that is at least 10% of the game, slightly higher.
so if they nerfed 10% of the game then that means there WAS A SIGNIFICANT PROBLEM with the game. but you couldnt say that w/o getting flamed or your thread closed in the past.
now that people want to quit the game over losing a huge portion of the game we arent even allowed to petition anet in the forums that allegedly support the 'community'.
so to make a long post short, i am asking permission to start a boycott thread in this particular forum. i would like to get 1000 e signatures (across all forum sites) stating that people will boycott the game if the nerfs continue. if you do not allow this, i understand, but that will only prove my point that the 'community' is a joke and only cares about what sells the most, both with anet and the forums related to it. i love guild wars but not enough to keep playing an imbalanced game.
so if they nerfed 10% of the game then that means there WAS A SIGNIFICANT PROBLEM with the game. but you couldnt say that w/o getting flamed or your thread closed in the past.
now that people want to quit the game over losing a huge portion of the game we arent even allowed to petition anet in the forums that allegedly support the 'community'.
so to make a long post short, i am asking permission to start a boycott thread in this particular forum. i would like to get 1000 e signatures (across all forum sites) stating that people will boycott the game if the nerfs continue. if you do not allow this, i understand, but that will only prove my point that the 'community' is a joke and only cares about what sells the most, both with anet and the forums related to it. i love guild wars but not enough to keep playing an imbalanced game.
can you back up those numbers for starters?
can you back up those numbers for starters?
I'm sorry, but making changes to skills does not make a-net a company that "cares about what sells the most". That statement doesn't make sense for a game with no subscription fee. For every member that doesn't like the changes there are people who do. You obviously want to see this game succeed, you said it yourself. Why would you want to do something as serious as a boycott? Why wouldn't you just stop playing yourself? I say this in respect and do not mean any ill feelings towards you, just trying to understand your position.
Ermm.. nerf?
In all honesty I like the "changes". I used to play e/m smite and r/* interrupt spamming continuously [so I know how uncool it is] and I see the "nerf" as a good thing to the overall fun factor of the game. Call me a noob if you want but I think a lot of ignorant people complain of nerfing because they don't want to lose their precious uber builds.
NOTE: Anet is a good company that listens to their community. They implement constant upgrades to improve the overall game experience. Also, if you think Anet is bad, check out EA and their Battlefield series (or any of their games). Now that's bad.
In all honesty I like the "changes". I used to play e/m smite and r/* interrupt spamming continuously [so I know how uncool it is] and I see the "nerf" as a good thing to the overall fun factor of the game. Call me a noob if you want but I think a lot of ignorant people complain of nerfing because they don't want to lose their precious uber builds.
NOTE: Anet is a good company that listens to their community. They implement constant upgrades to improve the overall game experience. Also, if you think Anet is bad, check out EA and their Battlefield series (or any of their games). Now that's bad.
Sir Skullcrasher
*remember kid don't feed the troll*
*take out shotgun...
Please explain to me and everyone just how the lowering or increasing certain skills would make the game unbalanced!
*take out shotgun...
Please explain to me and everyone just how the lowering or increasing certain skills would make the game unbalanced!
*rubs hands* this should be fun...
im ready! start the flame war... NOW
im ready! start the flame war... NOW
Brett Kuntz
Skills aren't nerfed, they're balanced.
Even going along with your 'significant problem' with the game, at least Anet is doing something about it. Most MMOs have significant problems and the developers don't care, so it becomes 'don't play that class, they suck.' With continued changes, overpowered builds are knocked down a notch and new builds come up.
Lots of people hated the NR nerf but it opened up so much.
Lots of people hated the NR nerf but it opened up so much.
Its not unbalanced in PvP... but its getting harder in PvE as we're the ones getting nerfed to... not the AI NPC enemies attacking us. IMO and no I do not have anything to back it up other then some of the enemies are to dang powerful with quick recharge skills to cast hex and conditions faster then we can remove and recharge our removal...
Mista Blah
Originally Posted by Nexx
Ermm.. nerf?
In all honesty I like the "changes". I used to play e/m smite and r/* interrupt spamming continuously [so I know how uncool it is] and I see the "nerf" as a good thing to the overall fun factor of the game. Call me a noob if you want but I think a lot of ignorant people complain of nerfing because they don't want to lose their precious uber builds. |

**Im currently looking for a new game to play due to the bad judgement of arena net to destroy a once all out great game.
~Mista Blah~
Nerf online petitions.
Oh wait, I forgot.
They never work anyhow!
Oh wait, I forgot.
They never work anyhow!
I'd like to see who exactly is leaving the game and why. Hmmm, let's see: person who abused a broken skill, person who abused a broken skill, person who didn't use a broken skill but hates their game being touched, person who used a broken skill, etc.
Nothing is usual at all about a developer changing its games after release. In fact, many single-player games have bugs in them that devs don't patch. Why? Because it usually doesn't affect anyone else. But for online games, companies must make sure the games remain balanced and workable for other people. Look at Starcraft; that 8-year-old game got its latest patch two weeks ago. Whine about that game dinosaur still blundering around. (I'm still waiting for SC2, btw...)
Nothing is usual at all about a developer changing its games after release. In fact, many single-player games have bugs in them that devs don't patch. Why? Because it usually doesn't affect anyone else. But for online games, companies must make sure the games remain balanced and workable for other people. Look at Starcraft; that 8-year-old game got its latest patch two weeks ago. Whine about that game dinosaur still blundering around. (I'm still waiting for SC2, btw...)
all i need now is for the OP to respond and this thing can really get off the ground.

Stop whining!!!
Seriously, they are trying to balance the game out, so people can have a bit more fun with other classes and builds. Get over it, or just go play World of Warcrap.
Hanuman li Tosh
Originally Posted by sir skulkcrasher
*remember kid don't feed the troll*
*take out shotgun... Please explain to me and everyone just how the lowering or increasing certain skills would make the game unbalanced! |
also, yes they buffed some and nerfed some. at this rate in 3 more patches the game will be almost 100% different than the product i purchased. that is why i will boycott it. becasue i played in beta and liked the game so i bought it. if they change the product they sold me to the point where its no longer enjoyable why would i buy the second chapter?
yes, the game may still be enjoyable to you. that is why you have the CHOICE to buy chapter 2 and continue to play chapter one. i am merely asking for a medium for the rest of us.
Hanuman li Tosh
Originally Posted by Thorin
![]() Stop whining!!! Seriously, they are trying to balance the game out, so people can have a bit more fun with other classes and builds. Get over it, or just go play World of Warcrap. |
also, you have the right to ignore me. i want a legitimate reason why i can or cannot start a boycott thread. replying to this thread with anything but that is trolling or flaming. thank you for your time.
YAY it started. *fidgets*
btw thats a funny picture
btw thats a funny picture

Damn, nice post OP! I couldn't agree with you more.
You don't need to start an online petition to quit. Just do it. TY NIKE!!!
You don't need to start an online petition to quit. Just do it. TY NIKE!!!
Originally Posted by Hanuman li Tosh
so if they nerfed 10% of the game then that means there WAS A SIGNIFICANT PROBLEM with the game. but you couldnt say that w/o getting flamed or your thread closed in the past.
i want a legitimate reason why i can or cannot start a boycott thread. |
Hanuman li Tosh
yeah and its too bad the blacks boycotted the busses in the south too, instead of just rosa parks. that way racism would be much more rampant today. i wish no woman would have ever signed a petition for the right to vote also.
Originally Posted by Hanuman li Tosh
they changed 22% of the games mechanics. change 22% of the mechanics on your car, see if it can still run.
also, yes they buffed some and nerfed some. at this rate in 3 more patches the game will be almost 100% different than the product i purchased. that is why i will boycott it. becasue i played in beta and liked the game so i bought it. if they change the product they sold me to the point where its no longer enjoyable why would i buy the second chapter? yes, the game may still be enjoyable to you. that is why you have the CHOICE to buy chapter 2 and continue to play chapter one. i am merely asking for a medium for the rest of us. |
"They changed 22% of the games mechanics, change 22% of the mechanics on your car, see if it can run."
That there is a horrible, horrible comparison. Just because you change something does NOT mean you ruin it. I think what you MEANT to say was...
"They improved 22% of the games mechanics, improve 22% of the mechanics on your car and see how insanely better it becomes!"
That's what you really meant, right? Right?
Originally Posted by Hanuman li Tosh
so to make a long post short, i am asking permission to start a boycott thread in this particular forum. i would like to get 1000 e signatures (across all forum sites) stating that people will boycott the game if the nerfs continue.
Originally Posted by Hanuman li Tosh
i love guild wars but not enough to keep playing an imbalanced game.

You don't want skill balancing, but you don't want to play an imbalanced game.
You want the skills as they were at release, but you don't want to play an imbalanced game.
Looks to me like you don't want to play GW either way.
ROFL this is hilarious. truly a gem. glad i caught it when it started. 24 ppl viewed, 23 ppl posted. awesome
Hanuman li Tosh
thank you for making my case against the community, everyone who replied with a negative response.
ladies and gents, we now have 2 pages
I think I'm going to have a drink for each page of this thread. (Please, grow, GROW!)
I love people that claim theres a huge force backing them up. They never seem to be able to muster more than five people to argue for them.
Xue Yi Liang
I love the smell of napalm in the morning ...
Doesn't it depend on the definition of 'mechanics in the car'? You could swap out the entire thing except for the frame and it might still work. Change the engine, the shocks, the sparkplug, etc.
I love people who make posts that are all "This game sucks and all of you are stupid conformist jerks, but please don't respond if you don't agree with me otherwise you are trolling."
Originally Posted by IceD'Bear
Ok, I'm totaly (totaly!) confused here
![]() You don't want skill balancing, but you don't want to play an imbalanced game. You want the skills as they were at release, but you don't want to play an imbalanced game. Looks to me like you don't want to play GW either way. |
/hurry up and quit, don't make a fuss about it.
Don't you just love how he tries to take it out on people instead of respond to the questions, like how WOULD you suggest we balance it then, if not by CHANGE?
Originally Posted by PieXags
I think I'm going to have a drink for each page of this thread. (Please, grow, GROW!)

Originally Posted by Sanji
I love people who make posts that are all "This game sucks and all of you are stupid conformist jerks, but please don't respond if you don't agree with me otherwise you are trolling."
Stop trolling. You are abusing your privledges as a Sanji and are trolling when having been asked not to. This is a violation of Ethical Law Penal Code #666.141241.1259195.aa5fcddes.SANJI.
You are hereby remanded without bail!
what does remanded mean?
I have no regrets, I troll for justice.
Oh, wait. No I don't.
I troll because it is funny to me. Though, that's almost as good.
Oh, wait. No I don't.
I troll because it is funny to me. Though, that's almost as good.
Originally Posted by Hanuman li Tosh
they made 49 nerfs in the last 2 updates on skills alone. that is at least 10% of the game, slightly higher.
so if they nerfed 10% of the game then that means there WAS A SIGNIFICANT PROBLEM with the game. but you couldnt say that w/o getting flamed or your thread closed in the past. now that people want to quit the game over losing a huge portion of the game we arent even allowed to petition anet in the forums that allegedly support the 'community'. so to make a long post short, i am asking permission to start a boycott thread in this particular forum. i would like to get 1000 e signatures (across all forum sites) stating that people will boycott the game if the nerfs continue. if you do not allow this, i understand, but that will only prove my point that the 'community' is a joke and only cares about what sells the most, both with anet and the forums related to it. i love guild wars but not enough to keep playing an imbalanced game. |
Ugh,,,,, that really anoyyes me (sp)