Ebon long sword of warding req. 7 sword
damage +15% when health below 50%
armor +7 vs. ele attacks
Pm me here or in game
Wrath of dragons (friendlist me, i have more then 1 char)
Thread moved!
WTS req 7 14-21 long sword
Wrath Of Dragons
Wrath Of Dragons
No! its req. 7! oh well. Oh and its gold...
#1 - you can't respond in your thread within 24 hours
#2 - since it is not max damage and the mod isn't that great (the maximum under 50% health is 20%) - he's right - you won't find a buyer, unless they try to salvage the perfect warding mod. It's probably a sell to merchant item...not all gold things are worth something more than the merchant price.
#2 - since it is not max damage and the mod isn't that great (the maximum under 50% health is 20%) - he's right - you won't find a buyer, unless they try to salvage the perfect warding mod. It's probably a sell to merchant item...not all gold things are worth something more than the merchant price.
merchant LOL oh man
Wrath Of Dragons
darnit.....leave me alone! :<
but: it is a kikaz beginner weapon
but: it is a kikaz beginner weapon