selling this beautie here and then we'll arrange something....i'm often afk so if you try messaging me in game i mite not respond
name: Blind Rage
SELLING MAX FIRE WAND, energy +14, regen -1, improves casting with curse skills (20%)
Blind Rage
Blind Rage
lol that was fast....... SOLD
you sold this for 15k? WOWWWWW... what a lost for you my friend.
Wilheim Eversmann
i agree~even 150K i still need to think it for a whole night><
i agree~even 150K i still need to think it for a whole night><
Blind Rage
WTF!!!! I asked several times for a price check and got 15k as the answer!
So its not my fault its this person:
09-29-2005, 11:28 PM #17
jenna mysti
yea....i would say around 15-20k, im pretty sure 15 is the max for extra energy...i could be wrong....
^ dont listen to her....that dumb ass lost me 135k!!!
So its not my fault its this person:
09-29-2005, 11:28 PM #17
jenna mysti
yea....i would say around 15-20k, im pretty sure 15 is the max for extra energy...i could be wrong....
^ dont listen to her....that dumb ass lost me 135k!!!
Ryo Miyoko
sorry for the lost bro =O(
Wilheim Eversmann
i hope she was not the buyer.......sry man
thread closed - shanksie
thread closed - shanksie