Hello there.
How many times can I switch between American And European Servers?
I have friends on both, and I don't want too be stuck on the same one for ages.
I heard it's 5 times, after your 5 times does this meen you can never again change? Is the 5 times renewed after a period of time?
Best Regards, Ashleigh.
Server Switching
Ashleigh McMahon
The Unknown Enemy
I think you get 2 times (or is it 1?) to switch every month, if you do not use that though, they are just rolled over to the next month.
it's a total of 4 switches.
america, europe, america, europe, no more switchs
america, europe, america, europe, no more switchs
why don't you just play in the international district? that way, you won't have to switch servers at all.
Ashleigh McMahon
O.O forgot about them
Thanks Alot
Regards, Ashleigh.
Thanks Alot
Regards, Ashleigh.