immolare where?
where can i get thre immlate skill from? the skill trainer in henge of denravi doesnt have it please help
Ashleigh McMahon
Spelling correction
immlate- Immolate.
I believe you can purchase this from Yaks Bend.
Regards, Ashleigh.
immlate- Immolate.
I believe you can purchase this from Yaks Bend.
Regards, Ashleigh.
just tried yaks bend skillguy doesnt have it
Ashleigh McMahon
I'm pretty much unsure. If you got some cash to spare, buy a skill ring, then buy the skill charm for immolate.
Thats the fastest way
Regards, Ashleigh.
I'm pretty much unsure. If you got some cash to spare, buy a skill ring, then buy the skill charm for immolate.
Thats the fastest way

Regards, Ashleigh.
cool thanks, you know what quest gets me to grenditch courthouse. . .cause I got stuck in that ravine right next to it tryin to get there

err, whats an EA?
thanks. .ill try to get there, wish me luck!