Not PVE Weapons mind you. But some strictly PVP people have exclaimed before that they do not like having to play through countless hours of PVE to either buy or find the type of weapon they like best.
My suggestion is that the Priest of Balthazar allows the Unlocking of new PVP weapons, such as Fellblades, Chaos Axes, Dragon Headed Staves, Eternal Bows. Things you cant get in the PVP world without going outside in PVE.
Faction Use: Buy Weapons
Arcanis the Omnipotent
I think that isn't a good thing to implent. If you make it that easy for a PvP character to get a strong account PvE will get smaller. The reward for your PvE playing is that you have other weapons and stuff. I think it should stay the same.. People should work for their weapons. Don't make it too easy for the PvP-ers
Arcanis the Omnipotent
No, you misunderstand.
The weapon mods wouldnt change. Only the skin of the weapons. Its all superficial anyway. You'd still get the same choices of mods the PVP weapons have. You just get a different look to the weapon. And I'm sory, I must be wrong. I thought the point of PVE was to enjoy yourself, not gorge the economy with high priced weapons.
The weapon mods wouldnt change. Only the skin of the weapons. Its all superficial anyway. You'd still get the same choices of mods the PVP weapons have. You just get a different look to the weapon. And I'm sory, I must be wrong. I thought the point of PVE was to enjoy yourself, not gorge the economy with high priced weapons.
Mr Wolfmaster
I don't see anything wrong with this idea. If you want to use your faction to make your guy look cooler than you deserve it.
Not a bad idea. I'd like this. Why not as well use faction to buy different kinds of things to make your character look different as well?