The warrior attack 'Wild Blow' says in its discription it can't be evaded, but it keeps happening against the scorpion=like enemies in Old Ascalon.
Another issue:
I wear weapons which I shouldn't be able to wear. For example a bow whoch says in the discription it requires 4 marksmanship. I can wear it and fight with it while I'm a warrior/necromancer
If these are bugs, where should I report them??
possible bugs.. where to report??
You are allowed to use the bow but it does not do the listed damage since you do not meet the requirements. This is not a bug.
Wild Blow - Melee Attack
Lose all adrenaline. If it hits, this attack will be a critical hit. If Wild Blow is blocked or evaded any stance being used by your target ends.
There is no mention that it can't be evaded - IF Wild Blow is evaded, the target's stance ends.
EDIT - the skill description on guildwarsguru is outdated, it reads now:
Lose all Adrenaline. If it hits, this attack will be a Critical Hit. If Wild Blow hits, any Stance being used by your target ends. This attack cannot be "Blocked" or "Evaded".
So it seems like a valid bug...I'll try to test it.
Lose all adrenaline. If it hits, this attack will be a critical hit. If Wild Blow is blocked or evaded any stance being used by your target ends.
There is no mention that it can't be evaded - IF Wild Blow is evaded, the target's stance ends.
EDIT - the skill description on guildwarsguru is outdated, it reads now:
Lose all Adrenaline. If it hits, this attack will be a Critical Hit. If Wild Blow hits, any Stance being used by your target ends. This attack cannot be "Blocked" or "Evaded".
So it seems like a valid bug...I'll try to test it.
Ashleigh McMahon
If you think you come across in any bug, please use the /bug command and report your bug.
Thank- You
Regards, Ashleigh.
Thank- You
Regards, Ashleigh.