The boxes are coming!
Vel Satis
Um man, I think something is wrong with your video card.
Don't know if you are being sarcastic or not about the boxes, but those ARE characters, just not random boxes. Yousa gotta sumtin wong bout urrr mr. 'puter.

Vel Satis
Well, i've just re-installed the game after a couple of weeks and this happened. The video card runs fine on anything else.
edit: hmm, just restarted GW and it's 'repairing data archive', kinda worrying
edit: hmm, just restarted GW and it's 'repairing data archive', kinda worrying
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by Vel Satis
Anyone encountered one of these white boxes yet?

The white box is not a video card issue. It is what happens when you drop an item that no graphic exists for. The necros 15k tattoos will create a box. Guild wars doesn't have graphics for the things the boxes appear for. The information may have been corrupted and you may need to delete and reinstall again.
Well not techinally a video card issue. But yah, some corrupted data. On my friends comps it has that on I think warriors?
I use to have that problem but after I replaced faulty memory module, it went completely away.
Originally Posted by Warskull
The white box is not a video card issue. It is what happens when you drop an item that no graphic exists for. The necros 15k tattoos will create a box. Guild wars doesn't have graphics for the things the boxes appear for. The information may have been corrupted and you may need to delete and reinstall again.
update your drivers or let the game repair itself, that usually fixes it for me.

(OFF TOPIC) Vel Satis... very original name. Not at all like a car that may or may not have parked on my block.
Vel Satis
lol, tell me about it. I used the name for another game I used to play but couldn't remember where it came from. Then, one day about a month ago I was driving in Holland and this butt ugly car went past me on the motorway with 'Vel Satis' in big letters on the back.
Now i'm stuck with it until I delete the char (car!). d'oh.
Now i'm stuck with it until I delete the char (car!). d'oh.
Numa Pompilius
Just out of curiosity, do you guys who get these boxes have ATI cards?
I have a ati card; it has happened to me; just maybe somthing gets f'd up over time. just close window open guild wars and repair's itself.
I love guild wars for this... a self fixing game cleint... auto restarts after a patch was downloaded...
/cheers to ArenaNet
I love guild wars for this... a self fixing game cleint... auto restarts after a patch was downloaded...
/cheers to ArenaNet
Vel Satis
I have an nvidia 6600GT