I'm a new-to online player having just switch to Broadband. I'm looking for games to play with my friends. At the mo' we play (or rather try to) NWN, but that game's bugged to betsy and we spend more time trying to connect than playing, only to have my computer crash out.

Guildwars looks ideal, but there's no plans for a demo so I'd like some user insight before I part with my cash.
1) How reliable is the game? Do you ever have connection troubles? Random drop-outs? Problems running the game from time to time for no apparent reason? These are common faults with NWN and the frustration is too much!
2) What's the technical support solutions like? Do people get their problems fixed? In NWN you post on a forum, get no answer (other than update drivers and set Firewall settings) and your problems never go away. Utterly useless. Have people here had problems actually get fixed? Has anyone got problems that haven't been fixed and it looks like they never will?
3) What's the bandwidth requirements like? On a capped service I have to know how much data I'll be guzzling. Is it a case of a few megs when you start a mission as maps etc. are downloaded, or tens of megs an hour?
With any luck this game will provide that gaming fun me and my friends want in an evening.
Shifty Geezer