More Ppl On An Acc
that is my only problem with the game along with trading which is hard but we need like 6-8 ppl on an acc, that wude be awesome
One and Two
er what the hell does this mean?
He wants more characters on an account, which has been "suggested" numerous times before. I'll pass.
mortalis doleo
i think you need 5 characters, so the people who dont wanna delete their characters now, can have a second chance at a new proffesion/get a pvp character going.
but seriously, this topic has been talked to death... say thx you arent paying money every month and shut up (no offence)...
but seriously, this topic has been talked to death... say thx you arent paying money every month and shut up (no offence)...
Arcanis the Omnipotent
Actually 6 is the magic number.
One for each type of class. That way you can simply just change the secondary in the desert when ever you want.
One for each type of class. That way you can simply just change the secondary in the desert when ever you want.
chaos dragoon
7 is more magical
one of every class and a pvp char
one of every class and a pvp char
Arcanis the Omnipotent
That's the price you pay for PVP, one less character

Nyax Soulreaper
id like to have numerous chars... that would be nice. also, BIGGER STORAGE... i cant stress that enough. ud need at least like 50 slots, add that amount and a scroll bar off to the side.
I think we need to start permabanning every single person who does not follow the guideline I treasure most: "Do not abuse the English language".
Fortunatly, this gets rid of that "too stupid for the internet" catagory of people at the same time.
Fortunatly, this gets rid of that "too stupid for the internet" catagory of people at the same time.
wow.. think of the amount of characters you can make. you could have like 20 of each possible character combo. that would be like.... so awesome.
wow.. think of the amount of characters you can make. you could have like 20 of each possible character combo. that would be like.... so awesome.
Originally Posted by mortalis doleo
i think you need 5 characters, so the people who dont wanna delete their characters now, can have a second chance at a new proffesion/get a pvp character going.
but seriously, this topic has been talked to death... say thx you arent paying money every month and shut up (no offence)... |
Originally Posted by Gert
im not complaining, im just saying itd make it better, i know im not paying per month which makes me happy, but im just suggesting isnt that the point of this forum? .
Live with it and have patience. Sure, it'd be convienient, but Anet has a lot to deal with as it is.
Sagius Truthbarron
Why 4? I'm.. I'm Japanese! I'm afraid of the number 4; I'm very superstitious. Please give us 5!~WAI!~