Dwarven Ale, what does it do>?
Ive played this game through and through, but ive allways been afriad to try dwarven ale, what does it do exactly?
Makes you drunk. Buy a few and "use" them. You'll see...
Numa Pompilius
It putsh hair on yer chest, laddie! Aye, so it does!
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
It putsh hair on yer chest, laddie! Aye, so it does!
Numa Pompilius
Oh aye, female dwarfs use it all the time! Makes the beard wonderful shiny, they say!
Originally Posted by Savio
Errr...my Monk, she shouldn't have used some then
Gabrial Strife
Every took a Doss of 20 Ales that makes me sick looking at the screen!
....makes some ppl a little richer. I had my lvl 17 the other day in Ascalon City transferring a weap to another char and chatting in general. Had a guy advertising ale. I whispered a friendly "hi, how ya doin'" type of message when I was offered a drought for myself. I laughingly said no, I'd much rather have an ale in real life. He then tried to sell it to me "on sale" at 300g! Nice mark-up if you can get it, and apparently there are enough ppl who don't know it can be bought for 200g...........