Malinon's shield [green]
Requires 9 tactics
health +45 (while enchanted)
Damage received -2 (while enchanted)
c/o: 85k
]]sold IG[[
Razorstone [green]
6-28 (req 9 axe)
Damage +15% (while health is above 50%)
Axe mastery +1 (20% chance while using skills)
double adren on hit (10% chance)
c/o: 100k
]]sold IG[[
Shocking Break Hammer of Shelter [gold]
19-35 lightning damage (Requires 10 hammer)
damage +15% (Always)
armor -10 (while attacking)
Armor +7 (vs physical)
[]c/o: 40k[]
Post your igns.
Malinon's shield, razorstone and +15% always hammer
Brutaniu Mason
5k on the Hammer
white geko
85k for the malinon's
IGN regina degli indios
IGN regina degli indios
86k malinons
sorry, someone reached the b/o for both razor and the shield (by b/o i mean they payed rediculously high prices)