First of all, the simpler and more common suggestion of the two. With the new expansion comes new classes. However, many people already have four characters they do not want deleted, so included with the expansion should be additional character slot(s).
On to the meat of the post. During many a Guild Battle, I have been plagued by a single enemy who causes trouble for us on many occassions. Whether it be a flag runner, someone firing the catapult, or just someone harassing, I have often found myself wishing "Why can't there be some way to just completely STOP him for long enough to kill him?" Sure, knockdown is a good start, but if a Warrior could catch up to him, we wouldn't have this problem in the first place.
So then I get to thinking, what if there was a skill that said "Target foe cannot move." But how can you possibly balance that? "As long as you maintain this enchantment, you cannot move."
I continue this train of thought, how about a class that sacrifices their own well-being in order to inflict the same damage on someone else? Most obvious would be Conditions; "Target foe becomes {Dazed, Poisoned, Blinded, Crippled, on fire, Diseased}. As long as you maintain this enchantment, you are {Dazed, Poisoned, Blinded, Crippled, on fire, Diseased}."
But there are more things you can do than that. I debated a skill that allowed enemies to target only you, with the cost that you cannot be healed by any source. Damage spells for this class could appear as well, similar to Necromancer spells that sacrifice health; "You and target foe take X lightning damage." This gives a slight advantage to the caster, as they can wear armors with higher armor against a certain element.
On the other end of the spectrum, there could be spells tied to their Primary Attribute (whatever it may be), which would have effects such as "You and a random foe cannot be damaged for X seconds". This means that a Monk/This would not be able to abuse this skill, and any player that uses it risks making an enemy Monk invincible.
Feel free to post commons, additions, and angry flames about how stupid I am.
Two suggestions (one being a new class)