Sephis Axe FTW
Mr. Brightside
Sephis axe
6-28 (req 9)
14% while enchanted
10/10 sunder
+30 hp
taking offers. c/o= 200k b/o= Changed to 300k
6-28 (req 9)
14% while enchanted
10/10 sunder
+30 hp
taking offers. c/o= 200k b/o= Changed to 300k
Blade Destiny
100k to start.
Mr. Brightside
since im about to sleep (school), i thought maybe a 21 hour bump was close enough, please dont close!
ign: fumiko lowblood
ign: fumiko lowblood
Mr. Brightside
Mr. Brightside
bump ^_^
Sir Raleigh
150k for sephis
Mr. Brightside
Mr. Brightside
bump ^_^
Mr. Brightside
bump... c/o 200k by sir raliegh or something like that