#1 - 3:1 Vampiric Sword Hilt
#2 - 5:1 Vampiric Bow String
#3 - 10% Furious Sword Hilt
#4 - 9% Furious Sword Hilt
#5 - 10/10 Sundering Bow String
#6 - 3:1 Vampiric Axe Haft
#7 - +4 Insightful Staff Head
#8 - +28 Hale Staff Head
#9 - Gold Skeleton Shield Req 11 Tac +40 Hp Enchanted
#10 - Gold War Axe Req 12 Axe 15>50
#11 - Gold Defender Req 8 Str -2 Dmg Enchanted
#12 - 19% Sword Pommel of Enchantments
#13 - Gold Battlepick Req 10 Axe 15/-5 Ene
#14 - +29 Fortitude Hammer Grip
#1 - CO - 15k
#2 - CO - None
#3 - CO - 45k
#4 - CO - None
#5 - CO - 25k
#6 - CO - None
#7 - CO - None
#8 - CO - None
#9 - CO - None
#10 - CO - None
#11 - CO - None
#12 - CO - None
#13 - CO - None
#14 - CO - None
WTS Upgrades and a few other items
Xan Tritus
20k each on #3 , #5
IGN veraedon The mighty
IGN veraedon The mighty
Nicolas Elensar
25k on #5
Nicolas Elensar IG
Nicolas Elensar IG
25k on#3 IGN Kanwulf The Viking
Xan Tritus
45k on #3
Daily Bump
Haywires Destiny
IGN: Haywires Destiny
IGN: Haywires Destiny
Daily Bump
15K on #1.
Daily bump, new stuff added
[edit] whoops... didnt check my last post time... forgot i bumped last night...
sorry mods wont happen again
[edit] whoops... didnt check my last post time... forgot i bumped last night...
sorry mods wont happen again